extern datetime thedate=(i want to insert today's date here)

hi. i need help

extern datetime thedate=( i want to insert today's date here )


i tried TimeDay(CurTime()) but it didnt work

You can't do that. You can only initialize variables with constants before start()

int a = 2;
int b = 2+2;   // error -- '+' - comma or semicolon expected 
int c = a + b; // error -- 'a' - initialization expected 
               // error -- '+' - comma or semicolon expected 
               // error -- 'b' - expression on global scope not allowed 
int start(){
hi. i need help

extern datetime thedate=( i want to insert today's date here )


i tried TimeDay(CurTime()) but it didnt work

You can do such

extern datetime thedate=0;
int init()
if (thedate=0) thedate=TimeCurrent();
thanks to phy and Rosh.

it helps me to determine the start of trend or reversal ( i think so)
