memory hogging


I have a problem with the back tester hogging giga bytes of virtual memory. I have narrowed the cause down to custom indicators being called from experts. If an iCustom call is made the my EA just starts absorbing virtual memory and MT4 will not release the memory until MT4 is shut down. Has anyone else had this problem. I don't think the developers can see it because they have asked me to start this new thread. Attached are 2 test files, a dummy EA that calls a dummy custom indicator. If I run the EA it will allocate 2 gigabytes of virtual memory and never give it back. Can any one help because it is impossible for me to back test anything without bringing my computer to a standstill. The same thing happens on my friends computer so that eliminates the computer as the problem from the equation.




True this looks like memory leakage but as a programmer, I would always try & minimise traffic back & forth between executables anyway.
The additonal advantage is to simplify roll-out on n machines or on server-side StrategyRunner installations.
I would always seek to wrap the logic of the custom indicator into the EA...

So as often is the case, a solution here is to change the problem!
True this looks like memory leakage but as a programmer, I would always try & minimise traffic back & forth between executables anyway.
The additonal advantage is to simplify roll-out on n machines or on server-side StrategyRunner installations.
I would always seek to wrap the logic of the custom indicator into the EA...

In previous EA's I have always finished up with the custom indicators embedded in the EA as you suggest because the back tester runs much faster. During testing of the code I have left them external for ease of testing. My problem is that I have never had a memory fault on previous builds of MT4 only 211. Therefore it is a new bug that needs fixing. Reading between the lines I think the problem does not occur with built in indicators because they probably get embedded in to the EA at compile time. If there is no difference in the way the compiler handles the MT4 indicators then why do they not cause the memory problem?