Automated Trading Championship 2007: Jury Session Record of the 30th of November 2007


On the website of the Automated Trading Championship 2007, the Jury Session Record of the 30th of November 2007 has been published. At the session, the Jury discussed disqualification of several Participants. Eleven more Participants dropped out of the competition.

The full text of the article was published on the website of Automated Trading Championship 2007 in the News section.

The Automated Trading Championship 2007 is organized by MetaQuotes Software Corp. and co-sponsored by ODL Securities Limited, Alpari (UK) Limited, FXDD and the popular TRADERS` magazine.


Podremos hacer algo el año que viene ,amigos latinos ....? estaremos con las NN ? tal vez hubiera andado este expert...tal vez segundo ..y bueno better el año que viene sera para los latinos...