Automated Trading Championship 2007: 2 Months of Registration

On the website of the Automated Trading Championship 2007, the article 2 Months of Registration has been published. The results of two-month registration are given in the article. Over 1100 people have applied for participation in the Championship. The amount of those submitted their Expert Advisors and personal details exceeds 200. Only 3 weeks are left until the registration is closed. “I would like to advise all applicants to hurry up since not so much time is left. As it is usually the case, the majority suddenly starts to submit data when a few days are left to the end of registration. In such situation, we may just have no time to check data of some potential Participants", Stanislav Starikov said.

The full text of the article was published on the website of Automated Trading Championship 2007 in the News section.

The Automated Trading Championship 2007 is organized by MetaQuotes Software Corp. and co-sponsored by ODL Securities Limited, Alpari (UK) Limited, FXDD and the popular TRADERS` magazine.