calculation for an indicator does not work


The calculation for an indicator at the last statement highligted in red, below, (ie) OutPut3[i]=(xx[i]+yy[i])/2; //???????????????????????

does not work. My intent is to calculate the one day and three day moving averages (xx[i] and yy[i]) and then plot

the average of those two averages.

What am I doing wrong?

double offset=0.0050; //<--SET OFFSET TO DESIRED VALUE

double xx[]; //??????????????????????????????????????????

double yy[]; //??????????????????????????????????????????

#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 9 //limit=8. Internally no limit but can display only 8.

#property indicator_color3 Black

//---- BUFFERS

double OutPut3[];

//---- INPUT(S)

extern int Periods = 1;


//+ INIT |


int init()



if( Periods <= 0 ) { Alert("Invalid Periods"); return(-1); }



SetIndexBuffer(3, OutPut3);

SetIndexStyle( 3, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT, 1, Red);

SetIndexDrawBegin(3, Periods );





//+ DEINIT |


int deinit() { return(0); }


//+ START |


int start()


//---- Find MaxRecords

int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);

if(counted_bars>0) { counted_bars--; }

int MaxRecords = Bars-counted_bars;


for( int i = 0; i < MaxRecords ; i++ )


double sum1dayma = 0.0;

for( int k = 0; k < Periods; k++ )


sum1dayma += (High[i+k]+Low[i+k])/2;


//OutPut0[i] = sum1dayma/Periods;

xx[i] = sum1dayma/Periods; //???????????????????????????



for( i = 0; i < MaxRecords ; i++ )


double sum3dayma = 0.0;

for( k = 0; k < Periods; k++ )


sum3dayma += (High[i+k]+Low[i+k])/2;


yy[i] = sum3dayma/Periods; //???????????????????????????


//----calculate & plot average of xx[i] & yy[i]

for( i = 0; i < MaxRecords ; i++ )


OutPut3[i]=(xx[i]+yy[i])/2; //???????????????????????






First should to set array size of xx , yy

and then use them !!

see ArrayResize(.....) function in help

int ArrayResize( object&array[], int new_size)