I want to know how to get the result of a optimization test, if i had not saved it at that time. 新评论 wknh 2012.09.22 08:06 sometimes, I forgot to save the result of a optimization test, and I really want to get it now, what can I do? if someone knows how to do, pls tell me,thanks very much. and another question, can I pause a test which may take a long time? maybe I neet to restart my pc for other reasons. I am anxiously waiting for your answer. Stable MTS How can I get the optimization result of a pass at the start of its forward testing? how can i get the highest after orderopenprice was opened. 新评论 您错过了交易机会: 免费交易应用程序 8,000+信号可供复制 探索金融市场的经济新闻 注册 登录 拉丁字符(不带空格) 密码将被发送至该邮箱 发生错误 使用 Google 登录 您同意网站政策和使用条款 如果您没有帐号,请注册 可以使用cookies登录MQL5.com网站。 请在您的浏览器中启用必要的设置,否则您将无法登录。 忘记您的登录名/密码? 使用 Google 登录
sometimes, I forgot to save the result of a optimization test, and I really want to get it now, what can I do?
if someone knows how to do, pls tell me,thanks very much.
and another question, can I pause a test which may take a long time?
maybe I neet to restart my pc for other reasons.
I am anxiously waiting for your answer.