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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Strategy - Set And Forget (with Alerting system) - MT5 This strategy is the well known set & forget with the ALERTING system. It is very useful on different trading scenarios. I urge you guys to always use trading tools that will make your live easier. So instead of watching the charts and the time and all day long, you can use this indicator that will watch the charts for you.
  • SSL Channel Chart Trend indicator
  • Strategy - Set And Forget (with Alerting system) - MT4 This strategy is the well known set & forget with the ALERTING system. It is very useful on different trading scenarios. I urge you guys to always use trading tools that will make your live easier. So instead of watching the charts and the time and all day long, you can use this indicator that will watch the charts for you.

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Mediator - behavioral design pattern Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently
  • Camarilla Pivot Lines v1.0 Draw the Camarilla pivot point levels

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  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • SMART-ZONE When MaxBand > MA of MaxBnd => SMART-ZONE HIGH When MA of MinBnd > MinBand => SMART-ZONE LOW You can set the bandperiod of Max/MIN Band, and the period and the method of M Aof Max/Min Band With different parameters, the indicator gives us the pivotal areas or the trend areas
  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.

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