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Aliens dougkang de moviles

Tomamos 5 medios móviles las unimos en una la cual suavizamos y volvemos a suavizar, resultando un mega suavizador de medios móviles suavizadas.

Indicador de mql5 funciona en cualquier broker y para todos los tiempos, siendo el mas optimo el de 5, 15 a mas.

Funciona mejor en grupo consigo misma osea poner uno de 14 y otro de 50 y 400,, así se observa mejor su desempeño.

Prodotti consigliati
Titan Inteligente REX
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
TITAN INTELIGENTE REX es un asesor experto automatico al 100%, con puntos de entrada especiales que brindan una ventaja estadística, revelada a través del modelado matemático de patrones de mercado. El asesor no utiliza stop-loss, todas las operaciones se cierran después que encuentren un beneficio.   Existe la oportunidad de planificar aumentos de lotes. Configuraciones avanzadas para profesionales y un sistema que mejor funciona en GBPUSD (recomendado) y similares con Formato 0.12345 (5 dígi
Технический индикатор Фильтр рыночного шума (Market Noise Filter, MNF) показывает канал волатильности цен. Чем ниже волатильность, тем уже канал. Горизонтальные участки канала означают флетовое или шумовое движение цены для рассчитанного уровня волатильности. Все изменения цен происходят внутри канала, где нижняя граница работает как линия поддержки, а верхняя - как линия сопротивления". Если цена выходит за горизонтальную границу, это означает увеличение волатильности и часто начало нового тре
Fibonacci Multiple 12
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Fibonacci Múltiple 12, utiliza la serie fibonacci plasmado en el indicador fibonacci, aumentadolo 12 veces según su secuencia. El indicador fibonacci normalmente muestra una vez, el presente indicador se mostrara 12 veces empezando el numero que le indique siguiendo la secuencia. Se puede utilizar para ver la tendencia en periodos cortos y largos, de minutos a meses, solo aumentado el numero MULTIPLICA.
Seasonal Pattern Trader
Dominik Patrick Doser
Disclaimer : Keep in mind that seasonal patterns are not always reliable. Therefore, thoughtful risk management is crucial to minimize losses.  Seasonal patterns in the financial world are like a well-guarded secret that successful investors use to their advantage. These patterns are recurring price movements that occur during specific periods or around special events. Additionally, there are also intraday patterns that repeat. For example, Uncle Ted from Forex Family suggests examining previou
Eadvisors Software Inc.
O Robô Trader BRA50SC faz operações de curto prazo no timeframe 1min buscando as pequenas variações do mercado no instrumento: Índice BRA50, utiliza nova tecnologia de trade, os resultados no intraday são íncríveis.      Versão exclusiva para o Bra50 (Mini-índice internacional).  Estratégia utilizada: média móvel e volatilidade. Lote Inicial: Versão Mini-índice, a partir de 1 lote. Versão Bra50, a partir de 0.05 Mini-Lotes. StopLoss e Take Profit Ajustáveis. Gerenciamento de risco: (%) Rebaix
Pare de seguir as "sardinhas" e comece a operar como big player, de forma automática. O robô Imbalance Autotrader é a mais recente tecnologia de trade que monitora os big players (grandes investidores) do mercado financeiro. Com estratégia de rompimento ( breakout ) ou pullback (Fair Value Gap FVG e Order Block) , você consegue configurar o robô para o ativo, conforme condições que você deseja operar. Além disso, o robô pode ter stops configuráveis, dinâmicos ou fixos. Na questão de gerenciamen
BOTON para trading manual
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
El EA Boton pone botones de Buy y Sell en la pantalla Ideal para usuarios que habren muchas ordenes y diferentes pares 9 botones buy desde 0.01 al 0.09 y 9 botones sell de 0.01 al 0.09 9 botones buy desde 0.1 al 0.9 y 9 botones sell de 0.1 al 0.9 Boton Close buy y sell Boton Close buy positivos y Boton Sell positivos Boton Close buy negativos y Boton Sell negativos un boton close all y botones buy de 1, 5 y 10 y botones de sell 1,5, 10
Product Description: Adaptive Y-Axis Scaling is a powerful MT5 indicator designed to enhance your trading experience by providing precise control over the Y-axis (price) scaling of your charts. This innovative tool allows you to customize the price scaling by specifying the number of pips from the visible chart's highs and lows. The calculated price range from this input is then used to set the maximum and minimum prices for the open chart, ensuring an optimized and comprehensive view of market
Moving pivot Average Fibonacci The  indicator compares the selected period with its counterpart from the previous period. The indicator determines the moving Fibonacci levels for the day or any time interval to assess the price movement range from the time average. The indicator helps predict the expected high or low for the day based on historical time data. The pivot line can be considered an average trend line and use it in a variety of trading strategies. If you have any question about the
Mikhail Sergeev
4.15 (20)
Easy start: Everything is already set up. The minimum deposit is $ 50. User-friendly interface. BlackQueen is a fully automatic, professional trading system. Stable entry points based on global price movements. Multi-currency trading, the ability to choose a strategy, unlimited customization potential for any trading tools.  Main features:   Accounts: Hedging. Currency pairs when working in automatic mode: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCHF, USDCAD, USDJPY. It works on hourly bars and is n
ReSu mt5
Daniel Opoku
The Wamek Support and Resistant (WSR) Indicator is a remarkable tool that stands out in the world of technical analysis. It sets itself apart by cleverly combining price action and leading indicators to delineate support and resistance levels with a high degree of accuracy. Its unique feature is its adaptability; users can fine-tune the indicator by adjusting input parameters, enabling them to create customized support and resistance levels that suit their trading strategies. Notably, one of WSR
DM IND Exclusive
Sergio Vidal Prado
Indicador Para Opções Binarias. Indicator for Binary Options Usa dois gales. Instalar em mt5 Esse indicador é para ser usado no tempo de vela de 5 minutos e em M5. Este também funciona em M1, porém é mais eficiente em M5. Só descompactar e copiar os arquivos na pasta de dados do seu MT5. Arquivos indicator na pasta MQL5 - Indicator. Baixe também a Media Movel totalmente gratis: https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/50400 Esse Indicador é para a próxima vela. Apareceu a seta, só aguardar a próx
My Point MT5
Claudia Ramona Angerer
Diagnosis of major and minor pivot Trend detection with many signals Can be used in all symbols Can be used in all time frames Settings: Back Show: The number of candles it displays If you need any adjustments, or have any questions or suggestions, message me How to trade: Blue: sell signal Red: buy signal Blue and red at the same time: no signal Exit signal: Opposite signal
Pivotrons B3 Trader é o robô de negociação automatizada a bolsa iBovespa B3 (miniindice WIN e minidólar WDO) que usa os cálculos de Pivot Points de acordo com o horário estabelecido, bem como analisando minutos anteriores para determinação do pivô, dos suportes e das resistências, adicionando as ordens de acordo com tais configurações. Pode ser configurado um filtro de duas médias móveis, que levam em conta a inclinação das mesmas no momento da emissão de ordens. Atenção: Alterar o parâmetro BR1
Midpoint Bands
Emanuel Cavalcante Amorim Filho
Midpoint Bands   is a   channel-like   indicator that draws two lines on the chart - an upper band and a lower band, pointing out possible reversal levels. This is one of the indicators used in the Sapphire Strat Maker - EA Builder. Sapphire Strat Maker - EA Builder:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/113907 The bands are simply calculated like this: Upper Band   = (HighestHigh[N-Periods] + LowestHigh[N-Periods])/2  Lower Band   = (LowestLow[N-Periods] + HighestLow[N-Periods])/2 Middl
Turpial Pullback
Arlos Elias Rivas Romero
Indicator Type Strategy (Pullback) for all Symbols and Periodicity, Preferably from 30M periodicity. Can be used for manual trading. Its workspace corresponds to channel of 3 bars of Bill Willians. Also relies on the indicator Rsi and Atr. BUY when: There is a Green Arrow STOPLOSS to buy, below the bottom line of the channel (red line)" SELL when: There is a Red Arrow. STOPLOSS to sell, above the upper line of the channel (blue line)
Sapphire Strat Maker
Emanuel Cavalcante Amorim Filho
Sapphire Strat Maker  is an EA builder (Expert Advisor Builder or Strategy Maker) designed to make the creation of trading strategies easier . The goal is to provide the most intuitive, functional and fast environment to test and execute new strategies. Check out the free version here - Sapphire Strat Maker Alt . Also, check out the Emerald EA Builder : an easier to use EA builder, with a few more functionalities (trailing stop, limit orders, etc.). With this Expert Advisor you can create thousa
Rule Plotter Expert
Francisco Gomes Da Silva
5 (5)
Questo Expert Advisor è stato progettato per testare ed eseguire le tue strategie create all'interno dell'indicatore Rule Plotter . Come utilizzarlo: Scarica gratuitamente l'indicatore Rule Plotter - strumento per la creazione di sistemi di trading senza conoscenze di programmazione . Successivamente, sviluppa le tue strategie all'interno dell'indicatore Rule Plotter. Infine, esegui le tue strategie create utilizzando questo Expert Advisor. Parametri: Strategy Il tuo sistema di trading creato al
O  GRIDBOT WIM  robô de investimento para Mini Índice. Parametrizado com grade linear ou zona de expansão (FIMATHE). CONFIGURAÇÕES: Ponto de entrada Pivot dia anterior    double r1 = pivot + distance;    double r2 = r1 + distance;    double r3 = r2 + distance;    double r4 = r3 + distance;    double r5 = r4 + distance;    double r6 = r5 + distance;    double r7 = r6 + distance;    double r8 = r7 + distance;    double r9 = r8 + distance;    double r10 = r9 + distance;        double s1 = pivot -
Mateus Silva Marques Dos Santos
Indicador para mercado de Índice Futuro Brasileiro (WIN) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ O indicador trabalha com rompimento de canal indicando o sentido do movimento e os 3 possíveis TP e o SL baseado no ATR. Indicação de utilização em TimeFrame de 5M, mas pode ser utilizado em qualquer tempo gráfico de sua preferencia. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
EverGrowth Pro MT5
Canberk Dogan Denizli
Se stai cercando una prospettiva pragmatica per i tuoi futuri sforzi di trading, permettimi di presentare EverGrowth. Sei affascinato dall'idea di impegnarti in attività di trading con un EA professionale a tutti gli effetti, che comprende un'ampia base di codici di circa 6800 righe? EverGrowth vanta una moltitudine di caratteristiche e indicatori, dando priorità all'autenticità replicando fedelmente i risultati dei test in condizioni di mercato reali. Sfrutta funzionalità avanzate, fornendo ai
Cypher invest
Arnold Byarufu
Introducing "CypherInvest," your trusted Expert Advisor in the dynamic world of financial markets.  With cutting-edge technology and advanced algorithms, CypherInvest analyzes market data, identifies patterns, and uncovers hidden opportunities to help you make informed investment decisions. Our innovative approach combines the power of cryptography and data analysis, unlocking the secrets of the market to maximize your returns. Powered by the Secret algorithm, CypherInvest leverages support an
Per un download gratuito, unisciti al nostro gruppo. Offerta a tempo limitato! Presentiamo il nostro innovativo indicatore MQL5, progettato per migliorare la tua esperienza di trading fornendo segnali visivi chiari dei confini delle candele giornaliere su timeframe inferiori. Questo strumento è perfetto per i trader che vogliono essere informati sull'andamento delle candele giornaliere, garantendo decisioni migliori ed esecuzione delle strategie. Caratteristiche principali Visualizzazione della
Best swing
Winsou Cedric Anicet Kpanou
-- BEST SWING  -- L'indicateur BEST SWING est un indicateur technique personnalisé, un excellent outil pour négocier les cassures en fonction des niveaux de support et de résistance horizontaux. L'indicateur BEST SWING utilise une formule complexe en analysant des données de prix autrement incongrues sur les cours de clôture de chaque période, ainsi que les hauts et les bas du prix, afin de donner un aperçu de la force ou de la faiblesse de la tendance du marché et de sa probabilité
Fibo Ruby
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Fibo Ruby indicator 5/5 pack ruby fibo ruby ​​has the strategy of a programmed fibonacci to capture the bullish trend as bass player ideal for grabbing rebounds at the points of 23.6, 38.2, 50.0 and 61.8 It adapts to any temporality, be it for scalping or intraday. works for forex markets, all pairs It is used for synthetic index markets, all pairs great for boom and crash!
This indicator is based on a mathematical formula which gives you the possibility to seek and find the right frequency of the movement, and to determine its key level; just adjust the frequency parameter! Simple and highly effective; using this indicator you can easily predict the next support and  resistance    levels of the day. Also, this indicator determines the range and the next two importants levels of the movement outside this range so far. SGFL3 and RGFL3  are levels with high certainty
The indicator is designed to close positions on the market in time. For example: to take profits ahead of schedule if the price has not reached TakeProfit, and the market is turning around. The indicator analyzes the momentum, not the trend. He does not give any information about the trend. The indicator is well suited for finding divergence. The Ershov 38 Parrots indicator dynamically adjusts to the market and detects price movement impulses of medium and high amplitude. It almost does not rea
If you are unsure how to use this indicator, please feel free to reach out to me. I will explain it to you and provide reading materials to help you make the most of it. TD Sequential Scanner: An Overview The TD Sequential scanner is a powerful technical analysis tool designed to identify potential price exhaustion points and trend reversals in financial markets. Developed by Tom DeMark, this method is widely used by traders to gauge market cycles and potential turning points with precision. Ho
Zigzag X Fibo
Ian David Emmanuel Bello
The ZigZag indicator's main objective is to highlight significant price movements by filtering out minor price fluctuations. It enables the visualization of trends by eliminating market "noise," which can assist traders in making more informed decisions. Adding the Fibonacci indicator, which is a powerful tool for identifying potential support and resistance levels in financial markets.
SMA Fibonacci EA
Christoph Kreher
Simple EA with 1 SMA and Fibonacci. The Expertadvisor opens positions in the direction of the trend when price levels have exceeded or fallen below the Fibonacci levels. It depends on the market in question and which parameters to use. The EA is programmed in such a way that optimization runs consume little time. A news filter and filter by day of the week are built in.
Gli utenti di questo prodotto hanno anche acquistato
Arman Belassarov
AriMax   – AI-Powered Trading Robot AriMax is a cutting-edge AI-powered trading robot designed to help traders maximize profits while minimizing risk. Utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and real-time market analysis, AriMax identifies high-probability trade opportunities with precision and speed. Key Features:     AI-Driven Market Analysis   – Analyzes market trends and patterns to make data-driven trading decisions.     Automated Execution   – Places trades seamlessly with optimiz
CBT Quantum Maverick Sistema di Trading Binario ad Alta Efficienza CBT Quantum Maverick è un sistema di trading binario ad alte prestazioni progettato per trader che cercano precisione, semplicità e disciplina. Non è necessaria alcuna personalizzazione: il sistema è ottimizzato per fornire risultati efficaci fin dall'inizio. Con un po' di pratica, i segnali possono essere facilmente compresi. Caratteristiche principali: Precisione dei Segnali: Segnali di trading basati sulla candela attuale,
Vadym Zhukovskyi
5 (6)
What's new about iVISTscalp5 forecast indicator (Version 10)? iVISTscalp5 is a unique nonlinear forecasting for a week ahead system for any financial instrument which executes fast scalping using time levels. iVISTscalp5 is a tool for easy study and understanding of financial market. 1) iVISTscalp5 forecast indicator has been completely rewritten into another programming language (C++), which has accelerated data loading and processing. As a result, a different graphical display of forecasts
Классификатор силы тренда. Показания на истории не меняет. Изменяется классификация только незакрытого бара. По идее подобен полной системе ASCTrend, сигнальный модуль которой, точнее его аппроксимация в несколько "урезанном" виде, есть в свободном доступе, а также в терминале как сигнальный индикатор SilverTrend . Точной копией системы ASCTrend не является. Работает на всех инструментах и всех временных диапазонах. Индикатор использует несколько некоррелируемых между собой алгоритмов для класси
Isaac Wanasolo
1 (1)
A scalping indicator based on mathematical patterns, which on average gives signals with relatively small SL, and also occasionally helps to catch big moves in the markets (more information in the video) This indicator has three main types of notifications: The first type warns of a possible/upcoming signal on the next bar The second type indicates the presence of a ready signal to enter the market/open a position The third type is for SL and TP levels - you will be notified every time price re
Recommended TimeFrame >= H1. 100% Non Repainted at any moment.  Use it carefully, only with Trend Direction. Trading Usage: 2 Variants: as Range System or as BreakOut System (Both Only With Trend Direction)::: (Always use StopLoss for minimise Risk); [1] as Range System: (Recommended) in UP TREND:  - BUY in Blue Line , then if price goes down by 50 points (on H1) open Second BUY.   Close in any Profit you wish: TrailingStop(45 points) or Close when Price touches upper Gold Line. in DOWN TREND
Spike Detector
Tete Adate Adjete
this indicator is a Spike detector indicator, it is specially designed to trade Boom 1000, Boom 500, Crash 1000 and Crash 500 We recommend using it on Deriv Boom and Crash indices only Its setting is intuitive, familiar, easy to use it has notification functions; audible notifications and push notifications. this tool is simple to use, easy to handle This update is based on different strategies for spikes
Limitless MT5
Dmitriy Kashevich
Limitless MT5 is a universal indicator suitable for every beginner and experienced trader. works on all currency pairs, cryptocurrencies, raw stocks Limitless MT5 - already configured and does not require additional configuration And now the main thing Why Limitless MT5? 1 complete lack of redrawing 2 two years of testing by the best specialists in trading 3 the accuracy of correct signals exceeds 80% 4 performed well in trading during news releases Trading rules 1 buy signal - the ap
Trend and Signals MT5  indicator scans  30 trading Instruments (Forex, Metals and Indices).     It uses special algorithm on the  current market   based on   Pure Price Action   and display the overall trend and signal on the dashboard. When signals are produced the indicator sends alert and notification. Strategy for Signals This indicator uses the daily timeframe to determine the direction of the trend. The hourly timeframe is used to identify possible entries. Main trend and is determined by
Cycles Forecast
Pooriya Alirezaee
This indicator is based on a mathematical formula and an ANN combined, designed to make a model(using previous prices) of the most recent market condition (any chart*) in order to use the model as a forecasting tool. *This indicator can operate on any chart/timeframe, but it's suggested you use multiple timeframes for each trade because this method relies solely on the time factor, you can not use this indicator to predict price volatility, but if it's fit correctly it will show you when the nex
BC Scalper Aroow
Tete Adate Adjete
This indicator is based on the crossing of two Moving Average with the RSI It is intended for scalpers Specially designed for Boom and Crash syhtetic indices from Binary.com/Deriv.com It is easy to use and intuitive. We recommend its use on M1 and is equipped with three types of notification Email alert Sound notification Push notification these parameters can be activated and deactivated.
This indicator is a scalping indicator intended solely for the Boom and Crash indices of the Deriv Limited market It supports Boom 500, Boom 1000, Crash 500 and Crash 1000 Not repaint and no bug The settings are intuitive and easy to use The product activation number is 20 The Time Frame used depends on the user If you are an aggressive scalper then just use M1 For long trades use M15 If you are conservative use M5 Please contact me for more details of its use
Gabriel Ferreira Da Silva
Quantitative analysis software, this indicator came from another country and thanks to my network today I can share this software with you! Russian Tool plots arrows on your asset, indicating the trend the asset will enter, easy to use and easy to install indicator We have been working with robots and indicators since 2018! We came to MQL5 to be able to bring better benefits at the time of payment by our customers!, our Instagram where we post daily stories of operations: https://www.instagr
Andriy Sydoruk
The Recuroid indicator shows very good entry points. Just look at the screenshots, then download the free version and look in the strategy tester and see for yourself. The system is based on two key algorithms. The first algorithm (managed) creates a system of balanced transition from the buy zone to the sell zone and vice versa, draws arrows and lines, and forms entries. The second algorithm (managing) corrects the initial data for the first algorithm (managed) by measuring virtual windows, t
Balance Weighted Moving Hedge System- is the trend following manual system for forex/crypto market. Indicator represents custom balance-weighted moving average indicator. The main advantagies : very stable moving with really early signals, defines current trend power, ignores market noise. The more width of indicator line - the more expressive trend is. On the other hand thin moving line shows unstable / choppy market. Indicator can be used as single b alance weighted moving or with hedge strate
Live broadcast of the indicator on YouTube. Please click on the link below for more credibility. There are also videos of the indicator that you can watch. Note that the broadcast is late, do not rely on it. Only a review of the indicator is only a review of the indicator’s accuracy, which does not lose almost and the profit rate reaches 95%. I will work with great accuracy on the CRASH coin 1000 INDICES
MMM Gold Sniper MT5
Gilang Wardhana Purnama Putra
Indicator is based on   Market Maker Strategy.   NO REPAINT. MM's are traders and their objective is to make money.  This includes strategies to trade against retails traders.  The major difference between them and other traders is that they have the ability, through access to massive volumes, to move price at their will.  So to make money, they aim to buy at a lower price and then sell at a higher price. They achieve this by:  1. Inducing traders to take positions. This is achieved by using a
Entry Pro
Bartlomiej Tadeusz Tomaja
Entry Pro Indicator is a powerful multi-functional trading tool designed to increase your market entry accuracy. It combines the power of several key market trend indicators, including ATR Trailing Stop and both fast and slow EMA, to provide comprehensive market insight. It offers easy-to-interpret market entry signals represented by colored arrows. Also, it's fully customizable, allowing you to adjust ATR and EMA periods to suit your trading strategy. Trend filters and alerts can be toggled on
Make Sure to Read the Description! UT Bot Plus contains free EA! The EA can be downloaded from telegram channel:  https://t.me/ +NSOJTvH39fNhZmU0 Unlock the Power of Automated Trading with UT BOT Indicator, Integrated with a FREE EA! ( Limited time offer ) This version has been expanded to include multiple additional filtering options. These options are fully configurable and can be switched on and off. This versatile UT BOT indicator is crafted and optimized to work seamlessly with the FRE
Hello I Want to introduce The Forex Buy Sell Arrow Premium MT5 i recently release this premium indicator! its 1000% Non Repaint Indicator, It Work Perfectly Well,, i tested it day by day, Just mind blowing Result,  Including Powerful trend Algorithm! How It Work? well, it work market trend formula, when trend Bullish Or when trend Bearish,  Recommend Timeframe M30, H1 it work all timeframe, and all currency pair, 100% non repaint, How to take signal From Forex Buy Sell Arrow Premium Ind
Tatino Super Signals is Non Repaint Indicator for Binary Option trading and Forex trading. Recommendations: Timeframe: All timeframes. For best results we recommend using it on M1, M5 and M15 timeframes. Currency pairs: All Pairs Account type: All Type Broker time: Any Brokers : Alls Binary Trading : Expired 1 Candle Buffer Buy=1, Sell=0, Entry Next Candle Recommended Forex trading stop loss : 15 pips Recommended  Forex tradingTake profit levels : 15 pips Specifications: Does not repaint   Pa
Hasan Abdulhussein
The indicator places a buy or sell signal when the conditions of the strategy it was designed with are met. The strategy is guaranteed, strong, and has been tested for 9 years. The indicator is for binary options and can be converted into a bot by linking it to MT2Trading, where it sends the signal to this platform. This platform automatically opens a trade on the trading platform you are using, whether it is Pocket Option, IQ Option, or any other binary options platforms. The entry is on the n
Questo è un indicatore per l'opzione binaria. Calcola Engulfing Candles con una conferma del segnale di media mobile. Sul grafico vengono visualizzate le frecce verde di acquisto e rossa di vendita. È stato testato su un grafico a 3 e 5 minuti con più coppie (EUR/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/JPY... ecc.). Funzionerà sul mercato OTC di Pocketoption, nonché su EUR/JPY OTC e EUR/USD OTC. Per i principianti, Se utilizzi la martingala, le impostazioni consigliate sono: Investimento iniziale: $ 1,00 Moltiplic
Introducing to your attention an innovative expert advisor created specifically for the most juicy and volatility    currency     basket: GBPUSD, XAUUSD and EURJPY. This system is designed using the main features of this market's movement, making it an ideal choice for dynamic trading on high-trending and medium-volatile pairs.   The signals are focused on minimizing trading risks, aiming to reduce losses to a minimum. Main features ESignals is designed to show open and close arrows at the beg
Advance Entry Levels
Kundan Kumar Srivastava
Introducing Your Ultimate Trading Edge: Dynamic Support & Resistance, Advance Entry Levels Indicator for MT5 platform Unlock the power of precision trading with our cutting-edge Dynamic Support & Resistance Indicator. Designed to give traders unparalleled clarity, this indicator is your roadmap to identifying exactly where to buy and sell, maximizing your potential for consistent, sustainable profits. Why Choose Our Indicator? Crystal Clear Entry and Exit Points : No more guesswork. Our indicat
Very easy to follow buy and sell indicator for Gold, Crypto and Forex. Just follow the signal with risk management. Good for both novice as well as expert traders. Once you get to use to using with this then you know how to use to for consistent winning. Make sure to combine proper risk management with proper position sizing. Green for buy and red for sell on the chart.
Old School Reversal Zones
Kavita Krishnakumar Ojha
I'll keep it Short and to the point.  Let Your Backtest Results Speak for Themselves. After much deliberation, we’ve decided to release the foundational logic behind our process for public use. This isn’t about changing the way you trade—because we know that’s unique to you. The best ways to enter a position? Those have always been confidential ! What we can share is the first of three essential steps we use before entering any trade. This tool is designed to keep you on the right side of the m
ITF Trend Filter
Mayowa Daniel Sonaike
This strategy focuses on identifying and following clear market trends by filtering out noise and short-term fluctuations. Using advanced algorithms, it highlights significant upward and downward movements, enabling traders to make data-driven decisions. The indicator is designed for simplicity and precision, ideal for traders who prefer a systematic approach to trend trading. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, this tool helps you stay aligned with the dominant market direction
Trend Screener Pro MT5
4.89 (70)
Indicatore di tendenza, soluzione unica rivoluzionaria per il trading di tendenze e il filtraggio con tutte le importanti funzionalità di tendenza integrate in un unico strumento! È un indicatore multi-timeframe e multi-valuta al 100% non ridipingibile che può essere utilizzato su tutti i simboli/strumenti: forex, materie prime, criptovalute, indici e azioni. Trend Screener è un indicatore di tendenza che segue un indicatore efficiente che fornisce segnali di tendenza a freccia con punti nel gra
FX Volume MT5
Daniel Stein
4.82 (17)
FX Volume: Scopri il Vero Sentimento di Mercato dalla Prospettiva di un Broker Panoramica Rapida Vuoi portare la tua strategia di trading a un livello superiore? FX Volume ti offre informazioni in tempo reale su come i trader retail e i broker sono posizionati—molto prima che compaiano report in ritardo come il COT. Che tu miri a guadagni costanti o desideri semplicemente un vantaggio più solido sui mercati, FX Volume ti aiuta a individuare grandi squilibri, confermare i breakout e perfezionar
Altri dall’autore
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Funciona identificando picos de máximos y mínimos, para luego eliminarlos haciendo una linea o curva, pudiendo el usuario ingresar el valor de que tanto puede suavizar. Nos facilita poder ver la tendencia así como ver el cruce que puede hacer con otros indicadores, mostrando a simple vista los inicios y salidas de una tendencia u operación. Así también facilita la visualización de subidas y bajadas.
Pendiente de Precio
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Indicador en base a la pendiente de la linea de precio, dibuja una línea de color cuando sube a base de los precios que previamente has sido procesados o linealizados, y cuando baja la pendiente la linea linealizada toma otro color. En este caso se a considerado 6 lineas de diferentes procesos desde pendientes largas hacia las cortas, observándose que cuando coincidan las pendientes se produce un máximo o mínimo, lo que a simple vista nos permitirá hacer una COMPRA O VENTA.
Robot Titan Rex
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Asesor Experto (EA) totalmente automático, opera sin ayuda del usuario, se llama Titan T-REX Robot (TTREX_EA),actualizado a la versión 2, diseñado a base de cálculos matemáticos y experiencia del diseñador plasmado en operaciones complejas que tratan de usar todas las herramientas propias posibles. Funciona con todas las criptomonedas y/o divisas del mercado Forex. No caduca, ni pasa de moda ya que se puede configurar el PERIODO desde M1..15, M30, H1.... Utiliza Scalping de forma moderada busca
Fibonacci Multiple 12
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Fibonacci Múltiple 12, utiliza la serie fibonacci plasmado en el indicador fibonacci, aumentadolo 12 veces según su secuencia. El indicador fibonacci normalmente muestra una vez, el presente indicador se mostrara 12 veces empezando el numero que le indique siguiendo la secuencia. Se puede utilizar para ver la tendencia en periodos cortos y largos, de minutos a meses, solo aumentado el numero MULTIPLICA.
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Se considera la secuencia de la serie Fibonacci (2,3,5,8,13) que sera multiplicado por un periodo (11 o 33 o 70 etc.), de las 5 lineas se sacara una sola que sera contendrá el máximo y mínimo de las 5, a esta linea se le aplicara un suavizador de 3....y a esta linea suavizada se le volverá a aplicar un suavizador de 3. obteniéndose 2 lineas suavizadas. A simple vista se ve las intersecciones que hacen las lineas que pueden ser usadas para comprar o vender. Cambien se puede usar con apoyo de otro
Linea Horizontal Inteligente
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
En base a cálculos matemáticos de determino una linea Horizontal que cruza a todas las señales de trading, mostrando los máximos y mínimos. La linea horizontal parte en dos las subidas y bajadas de las señales de trading, de tan manera que es fácil identificar los máximos y mínimos, y es inteligente por que es sensible a las subidas y bajadas, afín de no quedarse en un solo lado por siempre, trabaja excelentemente con otros indicadores suavizadores ya que les garantiza que en un intervalo de tie
Titan Inteligente REX
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
TITAN INTELIGENTE REX es un asesor experto automatico al 100%, con puntos de entrada especiales que brindan una ventaja estadística, revelada a través del modelado matemático de patrones de mercado. El asesor no utiliza stop-loss, todas las operaciones se cierran después que encuentren un beneficio.   Existe la oportunidad de planificar aumentos de lotes. Configuraciones avanzadas para profesionales y un sistema que mejor funciona en GBPUSD (recomendado) y similares con Formato 0.12345 (5 dígi
Escalera Inteligente
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Indicador en MQL5, recibe la información del precio SUAVIZADO, lo procesa anulando los picos inteligentemente, y el resultado lo envía al desarrollo de la escalera que iniciara y subirá o bajara según el peldaño o INTERVALO ingresado Ingreso PERIODO = 50 (variar segun uso) Ingreso MULTIPLICA AL PERIODO = 1 (variar segun uso) Segun la configuración la escalera puede pegarse o separarse de los precios,, Se aplica toda la linea de tiempo, y a todas las divisas, etc.  
Fibonacci Suavizado
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Indicador en MQL5, que obtiene el promedio de 10 EMAS, que son alineadas según Fibonacci, obteniendo un promedio, que sera suavizado.  Se puede ingresar un numero desde 2 a N, que multiplica a los EMA-Fibonacci. Funciona en cualquier criptomoneda, etc. etc... pudiendo calcular el futuro segun la tendencia de las EMAS. Funciona excelentemente en tramos largos, determinando exactamente el mejor inicio/salida. El precio inicial por apertura sera por un periodo de tiempo, luego aumentará.
Super Suavizador
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Indicador en MQL5 que obtiene el promedio de 10 EMAS que son alineadas y procesadas según Fibonacci luego el promedio es suavizado"  Se ingresa un número de 2 a N que multiplica los EMA-Fibonacci y por consiguiente aumenta los fibonacci, resultando un promedio.   Se ingresa un número que suaviza los EMA-Fibonacci. Considerando los números 1/1 seria la suavización minima. Considerando los números 3/5 seria la suavización media. Considerando los números 10/30 seria la suavización alta.....etc
Inteligente TRex Raptor Rapido
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Robot de Forex configurable al 100%, contiene los parámetros necesarios para configurar el EA Raptor de tal manera que no queme ni una cuenta (ver las tablas), Observe las tablas y elija la mejor configuración. Este EA le permite crear configuraciones seleccionando los parámetros adecuadamente. El EA Raptor se basa en el precio de apertura y si posible tendencia, marcando y adecuándose en cada paso.. por lo que tiene los siguientes parámetros: Lots Inicio(Volumen 1, 0.1 ,0.01).......0.01 (Poner
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Indicador de MQL5 basado en 3 EMAs, en función del precio. El precio influye en las EMAs, de tal forma que los Máximos y Mínimos solo la alteran minimamente, este influjo lo llame radio. Considerando la influencia del radio como constante, por lo que no tiene valores de entrada. Ideal para todas las criptomonedas. Funciona en todos los tiempos. Se sugiere operar cuando el precio este abajo y en bajada.... o cuando el precio este encima y en subida.
Super Suavizador Inteligente
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
El Super Suavizador Inteligente es la culminación de la evolución de los suavizadores en funcion del precio, funciona en todos los pares de divisas, es fácil de usar, y puedes usarlo varias veces en un mismo par, afin de darte una idea de hacia donde va el precio, muy util para ver la tendencia a largo plazo. El SSI trata siempre de formar ondas de subidas y bajadas a fin de poder mostrar el máximo y/o mínimo de la tendencia del precio.
EA BBot Aliens 100 DouKang
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
EL BBot Aliens 100 DouKang se basa en cálculos matemáticos en función del precio especialmente tratando de disminuir los riesgos de las subidas y bajadas extremas, utiliza dos entradas opuestas y si el precio sube se fortalece con mas entradas y si baja también se fortalece con mas entradas, (ver video). Se recomienda usar el test para determinar el deposito mínimo para cada par, en el caso del oro con el dolar es de 3mil (ver video). Si aumenta la distancia=1,,, disminuye el riesgo, (distancia
EA Aliens Media doble
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
El robot de MQL5 Aliens mmedia doble, utiliza dos medios móviles para determinar las entradas, luego si logra una ganancia mínima de venta sino que usa scalpin en función de su cruce. Son deposito de 500 en cuenta centavos seria 50000.oo  se puede empezar con el par oro, teniendo un riesgo de 20000 ...con la configuración preestablecida LOTE= 0.01 GANANCIA= 3 MEDIA PEQUEÑA=50 MEDIO GRANDE=400 **************************************************** ** ** ** ************ Notas:    En M1 Mayor riesg
ZigZag de Suavizador
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Teniendo una entrada de precios suavizados, los cuales son procesador por un ZigZag en tiempo real, dando como resultado un suavizador ajustado a un ZigZag. Con valores de entrada (periodo) mayores se vuelve un poco lenta en M1,, Ideal para H1, H4, D1 Trabaja bien con otros suavizadores, ya que su intersección es ideal Al iniciar empiza con mayor precisión desde el momento de activación, siendo el historial (anterior) de referencia ----------------------------------------------------------------
BOTON para trading manual
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
El EA Boton pone botones de Buy y Sell en la pantalla Ideal para usuarios que habren muchas ordenes y diferentes pares 9 botones buy desde 0.01 al 0.09 y 9 botones sell de 0.01 al 0.09 9 botones buy desde 0.1 al 0.9 y 9 botones sell de 0.1 al 0.9 Boton Close buy y sell Boton Close buy positivos y Boton Sell positivos Boton Close buy negativos y Boton Sell negativos un boton close all y botones buy de 1, 5 y 10 y botones de sell 1,5, 10
Liga Dinamica
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
El EA Liga Dinamica, tiene el comportamiento de una liga que se estira cuando pierde y cierra cuando es positivo,  analiza el precio y abre esperando dar positivo y cierra cuando lo considera negativo. Utiliza Indicadores: para cerrar, abrir y en caso de que de negativo para cerrar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CASO ORO / USD: En el video se muestra la configuracion del par XAUUSD: - Lote = 0.01 (utiliza el doble 0.02) - Gananci
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