quiero ser rico. mi predicción? - Voy a estar en la cima del mundo.
Today was the first day of my 10/20 pip daily strategy. I thank God i won all my 2 trades and made 5% ROI.

It is with faith that i want to target 10 pips every day risking 2.5% on each trade for a daily 5 %.

I believe in the power of compounding. Albert Einstein said the greatest discovery in the world was not in physics , biology or mathematics... but it was in the world of Finance and Banking. Its called the miracle of compounding.

I will compound up when am winning and compound down when am losing.

I will have a maximum of 3 trades a day. So far am focusing on Gold / Dow Jones . My South African Index Trading is purely swing trading

God pour your grace on me. I want to make You proud.
Osiris 2014.10.13
Thank you Francis and Arief. God bless you all. Arief..you inspire me.. when i grow up ...i want to become like your EA :-) . Talk soon
Tomas Valko
Tomas Valko 2014.10.13
good job
Arief Adianto
Arief Adianto 2014.10.13
Best wishes, Osiris :)
Masai Hunter
Evgeniy Piskachev
Evgeniy Piskachev 2014.10.12
Tiecheng Fu
Tiecheng Fu 2014.10.12
brave heart !
Yohana Parmi
Yohana Parmi 2014.10.13
the warrior
Masaai Children watching the sun set at the mara.
Tiyanto Tiyan
[Eliminado] 2014.10.13
burak UMITVAR 2014.10.13
beautiful kids
moonahman 2014.10.14
BORN FREE ......At The Moment...!!
Hi guys..download my trading plan..


advise if ...i am just dreaming.. my plan is to make 20pips net every day. 20 pips is easy than doing 50-100pips every day.
Osiris 2014.10.12
Thank you Francis. RR actually depends on the trading strategy... so i look at it as 20 pips NET for the day... and yes..the assumption i was working with was with SL also incorporated... i have a had a look at your MM ...its pretty..good ...

Amir Sadeghi
Amir Sadeghi 2014.10.12
good luck
Alexander Zhdan
Alexander Zhdan 2014.10.12
good objective
Ohh Africa...what a paradox you are... Ebola..Love..Diamonds ...Gold...Oil...Rich...Poor...side by side... what a painful paradox..you are Africa!
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2014.10.11
It wouldn't be such a paradox if the West would keep out of Africa and let Africa develop. Meddling money-changers with their One World Government and world depopulation agendas... IMF crippling "assistance" loans which only serve to keep governments in debt-servitude...
If i reverse copy losing signals on MQL5 service...will i make money?
Tiecheng Fu
Tiecheng Fu 2014.10.09
I had the idea before,,but I can't do it ;)
Yohana Parmi
Yohana Parmi 2014.10.10
Hi, you already have the losing EA at your MT4/5 default Expert Advisor
at each first installation. (MACD Sample and Moving Average EA).
Just edit them for reverse trade positions then run on the backtest.
It think you will be surprised, because the result is still loss :)
Tiecheng Fu
Tiecheng Fu 2014.10.10
yeah! that is why I said I can't do it ,,result is still loss
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski
An investment banker stood at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The banker complimented the fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

The fisherman replied, “Only a little while.” The banker then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish? The fisherman said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. The banker then asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?” The fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine, and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life.”

The investor scoffed, “I am an Ivy League MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, and eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats.

The investor continued, “And instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would then sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution! You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then Los Angeles and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise.”

The fisherman asked, “But how long will this all take?”

To which the banker replied, “Perhaps 15 to 20 years.”

“But what then?” asked the fisherman.

The banker laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions!”

“Millions. Okay, then what?” wondered the fisherman.

To which the investment banker replied, “Then you would retire. You could move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, and stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”
Price obeys SR levels.
Yohana Parmi
Yohana Parmi
Even I did not read any news about FOMC (or NFP last week). Just wait on major R today, by sell limit.
S/R works, and looks strange, because the market is "something" extraordinary. We must do the same,
something extraordinary that not the same with the more than 90% who failed. :)
Good luck, my friends.

Даже я не читал никаких новостей о FOMC (или НЗФ на прошлой неделе). Просто ждать на главной R сегодня, пределом распродажи.
S / R работает, и выглядит странно, потому что рынок "нечто" экстраординарное. Мы должны делать то же, что-то необычное, что не то же самое с более чем 90%, который был неудачной. :)
Удачи, друзья мои.Even I did not read any news about FOMC (or NFP last week). Just wait on major R today, by sell limit.
S/R works, and looks strange, because the market is "something" extraordinary. We must do the same, 
something extraordinary that not the same with the more than 90% who failed. :)
Good luck, my friends.

Даже я не читал никаких новостей о FOMC (или НЗФ на прошлой неделе). Просто ждать на главной R сегодня, пределом распродажи. 
S / R работает, и выглядит странно, потому что рынок "нечто" экстраординарное. Мы должны делать то же, что-то необычное, что не то же самое с более чем 90%, который был неудачной. :)
Удачи, друзья мои.
listening to Brixton Bounce Riddim full volume.
+200 pts on Dow.
nico and vinz - am i wrong.mp3
EURUSD will fall to 0.98 by end of year. Reason : EU has a massive surplus account...larger than China's , coupled by high unemployment , QE will be deployed. EU will drive new growth in the coming decade . EU will be the new china. IMHO
Yohana Parmi
Yohana Parmi 2014.10.08
.. let's find out major Resistance, then sell off from the top :)
Tiecheng Fu
Tiecheng Fu
How to evaluate a trading signal?

Hi guys ,
I just get the post from a forum .
here is the quote :

1 : You have to look at reputable brokers where you fund the account (NFA or FCA ? scam broker?)
2 : You have to see the AUM of the fund, is a 500$ account or 5000$ account, this is an important factor also.
3 : Usually PAMM performs better than signals, less technical problems like trades not copied or slippage.
4 : Do not look only at the profit : In general grid or martingale systems seems they gain a lot, but one day ( without advice you ) the account is destroyed totally.
5 : Be realistic with yourself : If the best Hedge fund traders make 30-50% a year how can you pretend more? You can have more if your risk is incredible high!
6 : Strategy : The best strategy most of the time are FLAT. So they are very selective, you do not have to stay always with open positions in the market.
7 : Try to not follow the mass... the most popular strategies have drawdown of 50% and more... and the mass, the 95% of people lose money in this game.

Hope helpful to you !
going through the signals... tab...seems the slide in EURUSD has killed so many accounts...
made +30points on Dow. Today a total of +55 points.
"If you can count, you can trade"
compartir el mensaje del autor Roman Smirnov
Albert Einstein once said "Compound Interest is a miracle. - Its the 8th wonder of the world." . be wise. use it in your trading. Keep your pips constant and compound your lot size.
As for the 6 months to make a million dollars in the forex market!
As for the 6 months to make a million dollars in the forex market!

Make a million dollars in about half a year in forex is quite real, it needs a bit of math, and most importantly - no zhadnosti.Kak and many other traders at first I tried to take on each transaction

Osiris 2014.10.07
Thanks for the advise Tamer.. do you think the market is irrational or rational?? ;-)
Tamer Soliman
Tamer Soliman 2014.10.07
No it's not, but sometimes things goes in wrong direction for no reason, or coz of phone calls between presidents while we don't know nothing about it :-)
Osiris 2014.10.07
hehehe...you are funny :) ..i on the other hand..think markets are rational.. because the people who control the market..e.g. market makers are rational beings.. they make the market to make a profit..so they make rational decisions..every when things seem irrationall..hope am making sense
+25 pips collected on gold during London Session.

Technically i have met my day's target.

My game plan is to consistently make a NET of 20 pips per day...

in 1 year using power of compounding i will make $1.2million dollars.
Tamer Soliman
Tamer Soliman 2014.10.07
All the good luck to you Kebaya :-) (Y)
Osiris 2014.10.07
Thanks tamar..i can do this... " Money does not make pips , pips make money " :-) I wish you all the best to my brother
Yohana Parmi
Yohana Parmi 2014.10.07
may God bless, and you bless others :)
+200 pips on gold
Patricia Mari
Patricia Mari 2014.10.06
Good job
Yohana Parmi
Yohana Parmi 2014.10.06
amazing ... good work.
I can't do anything on M1, not about technical, but about my bad psychology :)
Osiris 2014.10.07
i use multi-timeframe analysis... ride 1hr trend... 1min chart for entry and SL management
On a long enough timescale......