Suthi Mitsuwan
Suthi Mitsuwan
Business Man at Chiangmai Thailand
Friends 1
Suthi Mitsuwan
Added topic Please MQL5 Support Team Please Help me about purchase the product in mql5 its too hard to deposit in mql5
I want to purchase Indicator but I cannot deposit in MQL5 After I deposit 50 usd but the indicator price is 98 USD and then I will deposit again to account but it said y ou need to provide a phone number in your   Profile . Please try
Suthi Mitsuwan
Added topic Help me Please Mql5 Am so Sad as you seen my activated EA is not my new purchase one its a free EA but the name of EA that I purchased for 1280 USD is
Oh Mql5 why don't you see it clearly as you see in my purchases activated is the free EA one the name of EA is that is free EA but I purchased the new EA the name of EA is this is the EA that I had purchased for 1280 USD but I cannot activated yet
Suthi Mitsuwan
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