
Problems with basic code

Hi, I'm having trouble with the following code: int OnInit() { OrderSelect ( 0 ); Print ( OrderGetString ( ORDER_SYMBOL )); Print ( OrderGetString ( ORDER_COMMENT )); Print(OrderGetInteger(ORDER_MAGIC)); //--- return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } The Prints return empty when there are Pending Orders placed. I

Server Delays

Hi, First of all, I am not a native speaker, sorry for the inconvenience. I am interested in the behaviour of the broker's trading server, and the bottle neck that usually forms when there is high volatility. I want to develope a system that measures this effect, to generate data to study its

FPGAs with OpenCL

Hi, I wonder if it is possible to use an FPGA as the hardware for OpenCL. I was looking for some board of the Altera Cyclone series:, because of the Altera's SDK for OpenCL

Problem with concatenated For Loops

Hi, I've got trouble concatenating For Loops, this is the nearest previous step that doesn't give me trouble: #define f 20 * 10 int h = 0 ; char ar1[f]; char ar2[f]; int OnInit () { //--- for ( char i= 0 ;i< 20 ;i++){ for ( char j= 0 ;j< 10 ;j++){ ar1[h]=i+ 1 ; ar2[h]=j+ 1

Problem with arithmetics

Hi guys, I'm new here, coming from MT4. I have a problem and I don't know what is wrong. I want to divide the result of two functions stored in float variables, but the print is giving me zero. I found the error source to be the following, if I type "double a = 2/4; Print(a);" in the OnInit() or the