
Correcting code in 7 EAs to pass Market Validation

Hi, I will like to know about any coder that can correct 7 EAs to pass market validation. I seriously cannot code it. I have tried almost everything, but of course, no what is totally correct : ) The coder can have a copy of the EAs In Exchange. It is certainly a simple task for someone used to

Help with code - 'PutOrder' Wrong parameters count

It returns as the code is wrong, but I am not able to know what could be wrong. Can anybody help me? if(TrailingStop>0) Trailing(); if((CountTrades()<1 && (BuySell==0 || BuySell==1) && b) || (CountTrades()>0 && FindOrderType()==0 && (FindLastBuyPrice()-Ask)/Point>=Step*Plus) || (CountTrades()>1