Sou um pato velho, engenheiro eletrônico e de computação, que desenvolve software há mais de 30 anos.

Gosto de construir robôs advisors e de surfar no mercado financeiro. Algumas vezes surfo maremotos e outras vezes tomo caldo e me esborracho na areia!

Atualmente dedico uma boa parte do meu tempo livre à pesquisa, construção e teste de robôs com uso de inteligência artificial, com foco em estratégias de scalping e de arbitragem estatística envolvendo contratos futuros, ações e estruturas de opções.
Added topic Asynchronous OrderSend() function in Python
The MetaTrader 5 Python package offers the order_send() function, analogous to MQL5's OrderSend() . This is a synchronous function; the caller has to wait for the MT5 server response before proceeding. When a trading strategy necessitates
Added topic Are history_orders_get() and history_deals_get() always chronologically ordered in MQL5?
When using the Python Integration functions history_orders_get() and history_deals_get() , I've noticed that the returned orders and deals always seem to be sorted by their execution timestamp in chronological order. If I can rely on this ordering
Added topic Stock exchange broker's tick data has the volume field populated in non-trade events. What does it mean?
Hello, I've been examining the discrepancies in my algorithm's behavior between the tick data from two different Brazilian stock exchange brokers, and I've pinpointed the cause:   The image above shows the Broker 1 log on the left and the
Added topic OrderSendAsync() - is it guaranteed that the commands are processed in the same order they are sent?
Dear friends, Suppose I have a pending sell limit order for a certain instrument in a stock exchange market. If I run an OrderSendAsync() command to cancel this order and, shortly thereafter, I run another OrderSendAsync() command to send a market
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