Ideal Trade
Ideal Trade

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Ideal Trade
Added topic pump result 0
When backtesting , I get the error "pump result 0" which then causes the test to end.  What does this error mean
Ideal Trade
Added topic Multi-Currency Test Error: No prices for symbol EURUSD. SymbolName, SymbolSelect bugs??
When using code block with SymbolName() and SymbolSelect() functions , and subsequently calling for market data with the SymbolInfoDouble command, I get the error "No prices for symbol EURUSD." When I don't call the for() loop, I'm able to retrieve
Ideal Trade
Added topic Bug in Tester, Incorrect Trade Opening/Closing & Garbled Output
After making a small change to an EA and recompiling, I get garbled output in the result window as well as incorrect trade opening/closing.   The small change I made was a simple change to the variable names for MA indicators.  I have
Ideal Trade
Added topic Log file being truncated
In MT4, I used to be able to generate several GBs of log data (with the Print command), in order to check the values of variables and make sure my rules are correct using the "every tick" method.  In MT5, the backtester generates incomplete
Ideal Trade
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