
mql4 - hash.mqh - invalid pointer access

Hello! I have a problem. When a use hash.mqh in EA then I have a bug I attached my EA but dont attached dll file. log file: --- 2017.01.12 19:37:37.572 hashtest USDCHF,H1: invalid pointer access in 'hash.mqh' (631,24) 2017.01.12 19:37:36.249 hashtest USDCHF,H1: checkHash:true 2017.01.12 19:37:36.249

dll - ea - hashmap - crash mt4

Hello! I wrote a EA with dll ( c++ ) I used unordered_map collection in dll and it works fine when i used windows console app but when i used dll in MT4 with EA then MT4 crash :-/ I would like to use hashmap collection in mql4. I tried hash.mqh but it did not work well therefore i used unordered_map