Added topic Bug with placing orders in MT5 Build 2340 - both with CTrade and with OrderSend()
Hi there Last night I dedcided to code up an EA after dinner. When I opened MT5 it asked to update to the newest release version (2340), and so I let it update. I noticed that both CTrade.Buy() and OrderSend() were suddenly refusing to place orders
Added topic Home server options for backtesting
Hello all I'm thinking about getting a home server (probably second hand) for heavy backtesting, to take advantage of e.g. the Intel Xeon's large core and thread count. Two questions: 1. If I buy a server with two or more CPU's, each with several
Added topic How to delete an order in MQL5?
Hello everyone Is there some example code someone can post on deleting sell stop and/or buy stop orders please? I'm sure there must be an MQL5 library function to do this, but I can't seem to find it in the documentation. Thanks! -Scott
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