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Added topic MT4 release 1160 (and later) broke ability to call InternetOpenW()
Attached is a small script that calls InternetOpenW() (you need to enable DLL calls in your MT4 settings). This script runs successfully without errors in MT4 releases prior to 1160. In the builds 1160 and 1170 the call to InternetOpenW() returns
Added topic Draw indicator behind chart
Is it possible to draw an indicator (such as DRAW_BARS style ) behind the chart rather than on top of it? I.e. is there a way to specify zOrder for indicator (rather than for objects)
Added topic Calling WinAPI ReadFile() results in a crash
I tried to run the attached simple script in 64bit MT5, but for some reason ReadFile() results in an ugly crash. All other functions imported from kernel32 work fine. This code also works without problems in MT4 and 32bit MT5. Any idea what's wrong
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