
Which MT4 Broker has the best history & the most reliable price feed?

As the title says, which broker provides the best history when using their own MT4? Which Broker provides the best price feed? Best meaning most reliable, without price gaps or missing bars and such. I have seen some price feeds that lack complete info causing a candle that gives misinformation

How do I expand the chart history in MT4 downloaded from MB Trading?

With my copy of MT4 that I downloaded from MB Trading, I have limited chart history data. On a monthly chart, my oldest candle is for October of 2007. I would like to expand the history all the way back to 1992. How do I do this? Thanks

Why does the timing of the beginning & ending of 4-hour chart candlestick not match up with Eastern Standard Time?

Right now it is 12:09 am. The most recent candlestick that I show on my 4-hour chart shows that the candle started at 4:00 am. It is not even 4:00 am in my time zone yet?! What the heck