Piotr Lenartowicz
Piotr Lenartowicz

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Piotr Lenartowicz
Added topic Manipulate chart UI, scales or other approach
Hi,   I'm a JavaScript/TypeScript dev with some Java, C experience. I'm interested in creating custom indicator/indicators. I wish to manipulate the main chart to have some indicators on candle side and on the bottom of the chart. I want to ask
Piotr Lenartowicz
Added topic Does anyone run MT5 on Pop_OS ? I got issues can't find similar topic
Hey, I installed MT5 on my Pop OS with wine. Seems to work fine, but when I try to login to MQL5.community it freezes and becomes unresponsive. I wanted to try some free indicators, but can't install them as they are only available on the market. I
Piotr Lenartowicz
Registered at MQL5.community