
Compiler bug

Hi, I've found that with overloading a class method of the parent class, the compiler issues a warning which in my opinion makes no sence. The compiler warning: deprecated behavior, hidden method calling will be disabled in a future MQL compiler version the minimalistic code that issues the warning

Macro: InstanceOf(object, class)

I remember looking for this "InstanceOf" function when I just started programming in MQL. I have created a macro some time ago to simulate this function and share it here. Enjoy it. #define INSTANCE_OF(object, classname) ( CheckPointer ( dynamic_cast <classname *>( GetPointer (object))) ? true

Feature: add class CChartObjectArrowedLine to file <ChartObjects\ChartObjectLines.mqh> (proposed source attached)

Not all line types are represented by a class (in include file <ChartObjects\ChartObjectLines.mqh>. Can you add the class CChartObjectArrowedLine to the mentioned include file? Attached is the code for this class

Bug: Class CChartObjectTrendByAngle does not save/load OBJPROP_ANGLE

The class CChartObjectTrendByAngle (defined in <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsLines.mqh>) does not have a Save nor Load method. This Save(int filehandle) should save the OBJPROP_ANGLE property. The Load(int filehandle) method should load that property. The code below does the job

Bug report: mql5 class method CChartObjectCycles::Type() returns incorrect value

All I can find in the forum is that no technical support is provided by MetaTrader, so I'm hoping they will pick up on this bug message. The include class CChartObjectCycles has a method Type() which now returns the value OBJ_TREND. It should, however, return the value OBJ_CYCLES. This class is

iCustom buffer request does not match indicator buffer

In the attached file "5MinutesScalping-i4.mq4" you'll find the source code of an indicator I downloaded. It has 2 buffers (buffer 0 and 1) which provide buy/sell signals. Now I want to create my own custom indicator (attached file "Onno - Indicator.mq4") that uses the attached indicator by calling