
Need statictics on currencies!

hi! i need stats on any currency. like for example the daily range etc any and all stats will be heplfull . but im particulary looking for the time appoximatley thats each currency will make its high and low for the day. i hope some can help

MTF_fractal indicator

hi! i have made an MTF indicator of the wlxFactal below. the problem is that it does not update correctly. i need to refresh the indicator by selecting it. can some one help me so that it will refresh correctly? thanks in advance

Any one have swap indicator?

hi, im looking for an indicator that displays the interest rate swaps for currency pairs , so we can know how much interest we get or is taken away. i think it would be a good inicator for any one holding a position for more then one day. anyone have such an indicator

Adjustable bollinger bands

hi! does anyone have adjustable bollinger bands that will show the bollinger bands in exponential, linear weighted, smoother form. and with the possiblity to change the bands in fractal form for example 2.2 instead of the usual 2? the BB in MT4 are pretty basic. so im hoping some one has a better

Chart display in MT4

hi, i was wondering i anyone can help me! i usually have a lot of charts up on MT4 and the problem is i have to scroll through them all the time. i was wondering if there was a way to have all the charts displayed on the bottom all in one time. i mean the tabs that represent each chart should should

Does anyone have this camarilla?

hi, i have a camarilladt7 from sb forum but is does not show the lines correctly on a 1 minute chart, it is fine on 5mins and above. does anyone have a cam indicator that works correctly on a 1 minute chart? all the one i have tried are messed up. thanks