Weekly price is on bearish market condition with below 100-period SMA and 200-period SMA with the ranging between 54.27 resistance level and 42.18 support level: the price is trying to cross 46.22 intermediate support level from above to below with 42...
Crude Oil
  • 1055
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23 October 2015, 09:11 #crude oil
H4 price was on bearish breakdown with the reversal: the price broke Ichimoku cloud together with the key support levels from above to below and it was stopped in the bearish area of the chart to be near 1.1071 support level...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 2226
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23 October 2015, 07:11 #technical analysis
Weekly price is on bullish market condition for the secondary ranging which was started in the beginning of May this year: the price is located above 100-period SMA and above 200-period SMA for the ranging between 100.39 resistance level and 92...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 1289
  • 3
23 October 2015, 06:11 #dollar index
Barclays Capital made a technical forecast for USD/CAD explaining their position opened with key targets: "The overnight sell-off in crude oil encourages our bullish view. A move above our initial upside targets near 1.3080 would signal higher in range towards 1.3150 and then the 1...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 2691
  • 2
22 October 2015, 18:11 #technical analysis
Barclays Capital made a technical forecast for NZD/USD explaining their position opened with key targets: "We are bearish against resistance in the 0.7000 area. A move below 0.6740 would signal lower towards initial targets near 0.6615 and then 0.6455...
  • 1593
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22 October 2015, 15:11 #nzdusd, technical analysis
Barclays Capital made a technical forecast for USD/CHF explaining their position opened with key targets: "We are cautiously bullish against last week’s 0.9475 lows, given the decline in recent volumes. A move above 0.9580 would signal further upside towards targets near 0.9650 and then the 0...
Trading Systems
  • 1220
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22 October 2015, 12:11 #usdchf, technical analysis
United Overseas Bank made a fundamental forecast concerning ECB’s meeting later today: "With daily MACD heading lower and with internal momentum showing signs of weakness, the bias appears to be greater on the downside. However, 1...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 1903
  • 3
22 October 2015, 10:11 #ECB
W1 price is on bullish market condition located between R3 Pivot at 1.3352 and R2 Pivot at 1.2568: The price is on bullish ranging between 1.3456 resistance and 1.1919 support level. The price is crossing 1.2830 from above to below for the secondary correction to be started...
Trading Systems
  • 1076
  • 1
22 October 2015, 09:11 #technical analysis
W1 price is located below 200 period SMA (200 SMA) and below 100 period SMA (100 SMA) for the primary bearish with secondary ranging between 1.0607 support level and 1...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 1991
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22 October 2015, 06:11 #technical analysis
Barclays Capital made a technical forecast for EUR/USD explaining their position opened with key targets: "The move below 1.1335 encourages our bearish view. Our initial targets are near 1.1260. A move below 1.1260 would open our next targets in the 1.1105/1.1085 area...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 2632
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  • 3
21 October 2015, 21:11 #technical analysis