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Added topic having trouble converting double to int then back to double
ok some times it outputs something like 44.99999999 or 44.00000001 its like it has some small math error  double m1_IRS = iRSI ( NULL , 1 , 14 , PRICE_CLOSE , 0 );        int temp1 = m1_IRS* 100 ;
Added topic ObjectCreate keeps putting the obj_label in the wrong window
ok so the first  ObjectCreate puts it in window 0 (main) and the second  ObjectCreate  puts it in the 2 i dont know why???        ObjectCreate ( "m5" , OBJ_LABEL , 0 , 0 , 0 );
Added topic trying to understand the code in rsi indacator
ok so im new to programing in mt4 so i don't know a lot of the functions yet but i think i understand most of it but i don't see where it adds the rsi value after the short name that gets displayed in the top left corner  i also added a rigged
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