I have written a post on my blog about my Candlestick Trading Strategy. First and foremost keep this in mind trading is a game of probabilities. You will never be able to win every trade. A winrate above 70% is what we want in our candlestick trading strategy...
Trading Strategies
  • 736
18 November 2016, 08:12
I have written a detailed post on my blog on how to design and back test an algorithmic trading strategy for binary options. This algorithmic trading strategy is based on randomForests algorithm and has been back tested for 5 minute expiry binary options...
Trading Strategies
  • 768
  • 1
17 November 2016, 10:40
Algorithmic trading requires good mastery of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms like the neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, fuzzy logic, kalman filter, particle filter etc...
Trading Strategies
  • 1147
  • 1
  • 1
17 November 2016, 09:36