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Added topic C+ coding question for library.dll
bool LibrarySecurityQ1(){ return ( false );} int AccountsAllowed(){ return (AccountNumber());} Hi, I am trying to write a .dll for my EA. I am new at C++ though, and I am trying to convert the above MQL into C++.  If someone could show me an
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Added topic Trouble Selecting Order properly when part of it closed
Hi guys. A quick question, but I have tried many things. I have been closing parts of orders, and then basing decisions of the rest on the part of the order that is still in MODE_TRADES, and unfortunately it uses the info from the orders from
Added topic EA Protection Ideas please
Hello again fellow coders. I have finished reading this very very impressive article: (titled: Protect Yourself, Developers!) That was an excellent article Sergey, thank you. I was successful at implementing all
Added topic Humour while learning MQ4
Hi guys, I am fairly new to the forum and still learning MQ4 (thanks for the support with that too ;) ) I couldn't resist writing a post for something completely different, please forgive me if it is too cheesy!!! (It can slip down the list
Added topic Problem with EA code 2 (SL manager)
Hello, Thanks again with your help while I am learning MQL. Here is my next problem.... I am SOOOO close on this one.... I have it doing everything that I want it to... However it is modifying the SLs on EVERYTICK if the GAP is over this criteria
Added topic Problem with EA code
Hi Guys, I am quite stuck on this EA I am constructing, and any help would be appreciated (code in file) Just need a hand with this bit of code