
file operation using class constructor

Hi, I want to ask about file operation inside class Consider this is the basic code that I copy from here (MQL4 FileOpen) //--- correct way of working in the "file sandbox" ResetLastError (); filehandle= FileOpen ( "fractals.csv" , FILE_WRITE | FILE_CSV ); if (filehandle!= INVALID_HANDLE ) {

How to know 2 price is at same price regardless of small different

How do I compare between 2 price if these 2 price is exact value? 1st price = where the value of SHIFT or BAR == 2 2nd price = where the value of SHIFT or BAR == 1 Example: SHIFT 2 currently the candlestick is in Bullish SHIFT 1 currently the candlestick is in Bearish Both of candlestick for SHIFT 2

Accessing child function from base class

It is possible for base class execute function on child class? Example: I have base class as shown below. The constructor only execute update() function. And the update() function must execute the function that has on it child class // Base.mqh class CBase { private : protected : int

Relate 5 Activation

I have a few question about some product in the market that has 5 Activation/product when you buy it. 1. What will happen when I use the same computer with same hardware, buy I format it.. Let's say currently I use windows 7 Pro x64 and after format it I still use the same windows 7 Pro x64. Is that

market 5 activation

Hello. I want to know, some EA,Indicator, Utilities & etc in Market offer for 5 Activation The Activation bound to hardware right. How about if we format the computer, is that the new activation will be applied