• Information
10+ years
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Chief Strategist for www.Project-EVA.com, a community-oriented automated trading system for everyone.

Very experienced developing complex algorithm trading systems. This is my hobby, so I really enjoy doing what I am doing.
1. 20+ years in software development across multiple industries.
2. Ex-Banker (UMBC, Bank Of America, ABN Amro)
3. Exposure in Treasury (Currency/Money Market), Cash Management, International Fund Transfer, Payments, Insurance (General Insurance).
4. Exposure in highly-complex algorithm trading solutions (cross platform).

5. Great/Professional communication skill and handling of projects/tasks.
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Ai Lik Tey
Added topic MQL4 Detecting MT4 have completed Downloading of Outstanding/Historical Orders
In MT4, there exists a stage/state: when we switch from AccountA to AccountB, when Connection is established and init() and start() are triggered by MT4; but before the "blinnnggg" (sound) when all the historical/outstanding trades are loaded from
Ai Lik Tey
Added topic (SERVER) Close All Trades By ..
Hi there, I am having some issues with a broker. They are claiming that I executed some trades that I didn't. I am searching online for documentation about the log entry "close all trades by". - Do anyone knows how can this instruction be done on a
Ai Lik Tey
Added topic StringToUpper() MT4 Build 625 Not Working
Hi, my MT4 got (auto) upgraded to Build 625 this morning (today is 24 March 2014). I notice that the StringToUpper() is not working (anymore) and always return an error: 4052 : ERR_STRING_FUNCTION_INTERNAL (String function internal error) The
Ai Lik Tey
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