Doerk Hilger
Doerk Hilger
  • Information
8+ years
demo versions
I have programming experience since 30 years with Assembler, Basic, C and C++, released many articles about programming, wrote books, got a honory title for informatics and worked as a lecturer in the past.
Currently I am focusing on Metatrader MQL5, especially object oriented programming and front end design.
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Heavy "Feature" with doubles produces unpredictable errors in EAs
A simple math function like this brings a totally wrong result , and this served me a bug in an EA which I was searching for months!!! MT5 Build 2085, but I am very sure this is the same in earlier versions, cause this is also the same with C#
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Looking for library which reflects iMA/iRSI etc. in MT5/MQL5
Hi, since the latest build of MT5, the background calculation of indicators, such as iMA() in MT5 seem to be changed. Result is, that it seems you have to deal with luck to get the values, especially when you request them within OnTimer() ... at it
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Send market order but get a pending order?!
Hey, new issue. I send a market order and try to read the data immediately after the order has been sent - in synchronous mode - not async. So I use PositionSelect() afterwards, using the ticket number which is returned but get return value false
Doerk Hilger
Added topic iClose(), iTime(), CopyRates() etc. takes seconds and crashes EA and MT5
Hi, I reported this issue already one year ago to MetaQuotes but never got a helpful response. Sometimes - don´t ask me when - a simple execution of functions like iClose(), iTime() or CopyRates(), CopyTime() whatever takes more than 30 seconds until
Doerk Hilger
Added topic MT5 compiler bug #3 with macros
Try to compile ... #import "user32.dll"    int       GetParent( int hWnd); #import #define __MT_HWNDCHART (user32::GetParent(__MT_HWND)) #define __CHARTID      (:: ChartID ())
Doerk Hilger
Added topic MT5 compiler bug #2 with macros
Compile ... #define STR_TO_BOOL(source) (source== "true" || ( int )source!= 0 ) int OnInit ()   {    //--- This will produce warning "implicit conversion from number to string    Print ( "True: " ,STR_TO_BOOL( "1" ));
Doerk Hilger
Added topic MT5 compiler bug #1 with macros
Try to compile ...  #define RESOURCE_MAKETAG(text) ( "RC#" +text) int OnInit ()   {    //--- This will produce error "export - unecpected token" and error ") unexpected token"    Print (RESOURCE_MAKETAG( "export"
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Compiler bug in Build 1966
The following code compiles in MT5 without errors, in MT4 it reports a "not boolean expression" warning - which is wrong. But when the code is changed in a way that it compiles without errors, only the half of the functions is executed
Doerk Hilger
Added topic How to figure out the close price when position ran into stop loss?
Hi there, I am wondering how to figure out the close price and time, when a position was closed by its corresponding stop loss. The picture shows a part of the history. The original position id was 1253268, it contains no entries for profit or loss
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Read Time & Sales by MQL
Hi there, does anyone know how to read the time and sales list by MQL? OnBookEvent() lists only pending orders , but no executed orders. Maybe i´ve overlooked something. Or can this only be done by CopyTicks? Thanks in advance
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Window handle of tester
Hi there, has anyone an idea - sorry, a solution - how to figure out the window handle of the chart window when the tester is running in MT5? Thanks in advance
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Invalid EX5 file - just like that
Hi, since yesterday, the debugger is not able to compile the project anymore, just like that. It started when I created a macro and inserted this into some source files. This was the first time when the debugger created an invalid EX5 file, while the
Doerk Hilger
Added topic How to obtain the HWND of the chart window in strategy tester?
Hi there, anyone an idea? For whatever reason, the corresponding - ChartGetInteger(m_chart_id,CHART_WINDOW_HANDLE) - returns zero
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Need installer for MT5 EA
Hi there, does anyone know a good installer for MT5 EAs, Indies, files ... ? For MT4 I had a pretty good one, but the guy who developed it is not answering anymore, cause I asked him for a modification for MT5.  What I need to install
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Invalid EX5 file (8) - MT5/MQL5 BUG
Hi, anyone an Idea? There is no additional information from MT5 and the project compiles without any errors or warnings in strict-mode. This buggy platform is really starting to annoy me, every day I find something new.  Another one is: "Pure
Doerk Hilger
Added topic How to chain partially closed posiions with remaining opened positions in MQL5?
Wohoo .. sorry for the title, but I don´t know how to explain in one sentence what I am looking for ;) Well, in MT4, when a position is closed partially, MT4 creates a new position with a new ticket. The partially closed one keeps alive, is tagged as
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Delayed drawing and chart updating with MT5/MQL5
Does anyone know this issue? Could not find anything about it. 1. Clicking the magnifying glass button changes the zoom, but the chart will update only when a new tick comes in. This means, during weekends never, and during low frequent trading hours
Doerk Hilger
Added topic 'No loss' recovery netting system
I´ve developed a recovery system for manual trading, based on MT4. It uses the stop loss distance to create a recovery-zone, even if there are multple positions. It decides itself how to manage the position. It does rebuys as well as turns. The stop
Doerk Hilger
Added topic New build produces errors
- there is a new reserved word "override" - its no more possible to convert a string to boolean