David Young
David Young

Add friends via their profile or user search and you will be able to see if they are online

David Young
Added topic Download of purchased Indicator from Market did not work
Hi, I purchased an Indicator from MQL’s Market, paid for it (I have a receipt), received the ‘Congratulations!’ message and then clicked on ‘Install on the terminal’. This gave me the MQL5 Community logon panel. I successfully logged in. At that
David Young
Added topic Cursor causing local user-defined time to be displayed?
I use a broker in Europe whose MT4 server is based on GMT. Hence when I move the cursor, the GMT date/time is displayed at the bottom of my MT4 screens. Is it possible to have my local (Australian time) displayed as well as the GMT server time either
David Young
Added topic Why are 'saved' Profiles NOT saved?
I'm sure this has been raised many times before, but I can't find a discussion of the topic. When you 'save' a Profile , I would expect it to be SAVED. However, when a different chart or template is selected, it overwrites the Profile you have just