
MT4 update 2018.09.08

Did anyone get an MT4 update only to find the version/build/date did not get updated

is there a way to suppress StringFormat from substituting "(missed string parameter) " for missed parameters?

I would like to substitute individual variables in a controlled fashion such that changes to a struct can be managed. // -F- -?v- -s- ----xcn---- ----gmt---- -m- -g- --tz-- -?d-?l- -dlst- -r- string mpformat = ",,%s ,%i ,%s ,%s,%s,%s,%s ,%s,%s,%s,%s, ,%i ,%d ,%s,%s ,%i,%i% ,%i,%i ,%s";

SymbolInfoSessionQuote() fails for ,SATURDAY

When the following is called on a Saturday (GMT) , status returns false. Why? static bool logfile::isOpenMarket(bool&status) { bool deebug=DEEBUG,title=TITLE,analysis=ANALYSIS; bool result; MqlDateTime mqldtnow; datetime dtstart,dtend,dtnow=TimeGMT(); /* assume server is on GMT */

metaeditor.exe version 934 does not let me look at variables while debugging

version 934 is dated 04/06/2014. version 914 (which works) is dated 26/04/2014

mql.exe vs. metalang.exe

with the compiler replacement of metalang.exe with mql.exe, has anyone found that the /i option in the compilier affects both the include folder and the debugging folder? Any particular issues found when using folder structures outside of the new default locations