Added topic Trade History in Chart MT5 And Offline Charts
Hi, ON MT5, when I right click on the a chart there is the Trade History Option. But I need to click twice on it so it shows up and then the blue and red arrows disappear very quicky on a next update. 1) Is there a way to have the historical trade
Added topic Moving Average using custom data
Hi, On MT5 I am using a closed code renko indicator from which I can get the arrays of historical prices on a script. As I need to calculate EMA's of these Renko prices and chart them (clearly different than the market prices) I am not sure what
Added topic Global Variables
Hi, The following article says "Global variables are used for quick transfer of small amounts of data between Expert Advisors , as well as for providing conflict-free
Added topic Communication Between accounts MT4
Hi, On a single MT4 platform I would like to develop an EA or Indicator that takes some information from Account1 (Say Broker1) and such information is read on an EA that is working on Account2 (also Broker1 as there is one broker per platform
Added topic Tick Data on MT4
Importing Tick Data on MT4. On MT4 After checking Tools->History Center, Import-> I see the minimum granularity is minute data. (nothing about ticks) On the MT4 tester I do not see any tick import option either. Is there any way to import tick
Added topic MT5 Charting with Future Dates
Hi, I would like to draw some vertical lines on a chart (MT5) into future dates. I do not see any future dates on the X axis on the chart, therefore it looks like is not possible. Or is there any settings that will show it on the chart and allow it
Added topic Strat Tester MT5 Indicator Subwindow Plotting Levels
MT5 Strat Tester. My EA uses RSI indicator and when I run at backtest on Visualize I select "visual mode with the display of charts, indicators and trades". So the RSI indicator is charted in the subwindow when I run the tester. My question is: Is
Added topic EA inputs windows dependency MT4
Hi, on MT4 while declaring inputs before OnInit() some inputs need to be  dependent on others. So if some specific number is selected on FirstNumber the SecondNumber should copy it. (say only for number 1). Otherwise inputs remain independent
Added topic MT4 Detect if broker is heding or netting accountg on EA
In order to specify the account margin mode (heding or netting system) in MT5 is possible to use something like: bool IsHedging(ENUM_ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MODE &margmod) {   margmod =
Added topic Realized Profit MT5
On MT5 I try to calculate the realized profit for a running EA by using Historyselect (0,TimeCurrent()), loop through TotalNumberOfDeals=HistoryDealsTotal() and then query for each deal OrderProfit=HistoryDealGetDouble(TicketNumber,DEAL_PROFIT) and
Added topic Testing script on debug mode (MT5) changes symbol
Hi, I am testing a script (MT5) on real time debug mode on GBPUSD. This is the only pair on the chart and the only one I want to test. Strangely, when I start the debug process in real time (green button on edtor) it suddenly opens EURUSD chart and
Added topic Strategy Analyzer MT4 versus MT5 for tick data.
Having checked some blogs about differences in the Strategy Analyzer MT4 versus Mt5 I have read that the processing and quality of tick data is "better" on MT5. Is there a real and clear advantage in using MT5 Start Anaylzer versus Mt4 for
Added topic Reading Account History Tab (MT4 Terminal)
Reading account history tab (MT4 Terminal Window). After reading   seems that red colored cells indicate trade ended in SL while green colored cell
Added topic Futures and Stocks on MT5
Hi,  I have Interactive Brokers as my Broker and I am interested in using MT5 and EA for exchange stocks and futures. (not CFD's). 1) Is that possible? 2) As Interactive Brokers does not communicate with MT5 (at least directly) and most of the
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