
Custom list of objects and the warning "undeleted objects left"

Hi everybody, I'm working in a project wich I created a custom object list, but after close de EA I get the message "...undeleted objects left". My code is very big and complex, so I created a very simple one with the same logic, so, I can reproduce the exact same error and I can share the

PrintFormat and StringFormat with variable precision

Hello folks, According to C and C++ definitions, is possible to use printf with variables "width" and "precision". In MQL documentation is clear that we can use variable "width", but is not clear to "precision". Is possible to use variable "precision"? Is there any way to do this

Suggestion to new update policy

Since MetaTrader updates are frequent and many people prefer not to upgrade, it would be interesting if the verification was like in other softwares. There could be a configuration window with the options " Check now", "Check daily", "Check weekly", "Check monthly". And when there is an update a

MQL5 have any plans to meets some standardization?

Hello guys, Anyone knows if MetaQuotes have any plan to make MQL5 (or MQL6) meets some language standard, like C++11 (ISO/IEC 14882:2011) or any other? This could be a great step to professionals that work with programming, and also can make MQL more competitive, more reliable, easier to convert

Bug in WebRequest function - MT5 build 1881

Hello, The objective of this topic is to communicate a bug to MetaQuotes, I sent it to tickets system, but there is no tickets system anymore. :-( Some releases behind MT5 came with some bugs in the WebRequest function and aparently the problems were solved, but, I got a new one in the release 1881

Using MarketBookGet() without subcribing to market book

Hello folks! According to documentation, MarketBookGet() has to be used after the EA was subscribed to book using MarketBookAdd() . So, we have the event OnBookEvent() always when the book changes. What happens if I use MarketBookGet() without subscribing, out of OnBookEvent() ? I think about

ChartSaveTemplate() in another path

Hi folks, Is possible to save a template in "\Files" path instead of " \Profiles\Templates "? I'm trying ChartSaveTemplate ( 0 , "..\\..\\Files\\MyTamplate.tpl" ) and a lot of variations, but nothing works. After save that, I will check some detais inside my EA, so I will open it by FileOpen(), that

WebRequest works in IP V6?

Hi guys, The function WebRequest is ready for IP V6? I asking because today a client's Windows 10 was updated and the function WeRequest() is not working any more. After a lot of testing, everything gets working again when I desabled IP V6 in the internet config of the windows. The EA uses

How to check for a specific data before download

Hello, In some cases, when a try to copy a price, open price for example, the time to return is too long. This is a part of the code. Here I want to copy just one open price (one day). It works well, but sometimes it takes too much time to return an error. Even when the data doesn't exist. nOpen =

Downloading files by WebRequest is not working

Hi guys, I'm trying to download some files by WebRequest(). The code works well to some kind of files, but when I try to download DLLs the function FileClose() clears the content of the file. It's very clear, FileOpen() creates a file with size 0kB, then FileWriteArray() fills up the file with the