
Lowercase and uppercase variables declaration

Hi, Can I declare similar alpahet in lowercase and uppercase, example m and M? I wish to use the same alpabet as variable , so can I differeciate both variables by using lowercase and uppercase

How to append to end of csv file ,starting from second last row ?

Hi, I have the csv file format like below (to append d2, e2 ,d3,e3 value) : i have used before FileSeek(handle,-2, SEEK_END ) to append to end of file (in this case : d3,e3) but I dont know what is the FileSeek (handle, ?, SEEK_END) to append the d2, e2 ,d3,e3 value. Please help. a1, b1, c1, d1, e1

Exluding Weekends & Hoildays in Calculating Time Difference

Hi, How to exclude weekends and holiday in calculating many sets of time differences between two dates? Please help

Questions on User Defined Function

Hi, I have the following questions on user defined function: Question 1. Can I put a if statement within the function as I want to combine two functions into one ? Question 2. Can I use the same variable (a and b) in two different functions, does it confuse the program . In the main program we have

User Defined Function

while (pos>= 0 ) { // ******** SLmin Function ********** double Func_SLmin (iCxu) { j= 0 ; SLmin= 3000 ; while ( iLow ( Symbol (), PERIOD_H1 ,j)<iCxu) { if ( iLow ( Symbol (), PERIOD_H1 ,j)<SLmin ) SLmin= iLow ( Symbol (), PERIOD_H1 ,j); //Print

File Function

handle= FileOpen ( "File1.csv" , FILE_CSV | FILE_READ | FILE_WRITE , ',' ); FileSeek (handle, 0 , SEEK_END ); FileWrite (handle, Symbol (),TimeToStr(CurTime(), TIME_DATE | TIME_SECONDS ),Profit); FileClose (handle); handle= FileOpen ( "File1.csv" , FILE_CSV | FILE_READ | FILE_WRITE , ',' ); FileSeek

Two indicators in the same chart

Hi, I have two indicators in the same chart whereby some variables used are the same, is it going to cause confusion ? I am worry the value of variable of one indicator will be mistakenly used by another indicator. I want to clarify whether the program itself will know how to do calculations using

File Function Not Working

Hi, I have the file function as in coding section, it will work when the following is not inserted. The following code is inserted to only write once every hour. Kindly help why it doesnt work when code to write once every hour is inserted ? Also I would like to ask is it a must to use FileClose

Dema Lines

Hi, I tried to plot three lines, Dema 4 (period =4), Dema 12 (period=12), Wma150 (weighted ,period=150) butit only plot the weighted moving avrage with period 150. Kindly //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| DEMA_RLH | //| Copyright © 2006

The purpose of return(0) within a if statement within curly bracket

Hi, I am trying to figure out what is the purpose of return(0)? In my if statement within the curly bracket, i tested with and without retrun(0) in it and the results is the same. So, does it mean return(0) doesnt really serve any purpose? Please help