
Metatrader 5 price feed

Has anyone noticed that the price feed has stopped for the metaquotes this evening. I am not getting any prices both on the computer and the iphone. Both are logged in just fine, just no prices

Forward Testing

I have a question about forward testing that I could not find in the documentation I am currently working on an EA that builds a data file of statistics as it works. So this data file is very important to future calculations. During testing, this data file is held in memory (arrays). Outside of

Testing with the cloud and data files

I have a calender file (txt format) that my EA reads during the init process. When using the cloud, it is completely ignored by the testing agents . I have included the property #property tester_file "CALGBPUSD.CSV" to send the file. Here is the code when it is called string subfolder=

OnTimer question

Does anyone know how to access what time remains before the next OnTimer event occurs? I know I can calculate it from when the event timer is set. But is there another way? I did not see anything in the documentation. Thank you

OnTesterInit issues and the command line

I get this error when loading metatrader from the command line with a config.ini file 2013.03 . 27 21 : 43 : 46 Exception Encountered an improper argument. This error happens if the following functions are contained in the EA: void OnTesterInit() void OnTesterPass() void OnTesterDeinit() I do not

Here is something interesting

I have been coding for quite some time, but today I learned something new. For all of the experienced programmers out there, this maybe pretty obvious, but for anyone just learning, please read. When calling an indicator within an EA like this example, you assign a handle of type int: iAMA_handle=

Automated Testing

Is it possible to call the tester for optimization from the EA? What I want to do is re-optimize every weekend after the market has closed. I can use MqlDateTime str1; TimeToStruct ( TimeLocal (),str1); if (!selfoptimize) return ; if (str1.day_of_week!=selfoptimizeday) return ; to check for the

Controlling the display of a indicator

I am calling the TRIX indicator in an EA to calculate some values. The moving period can vary so I am calling it within a function and not within the OnInit() function. The issue I am having is every time the moving period changes, it adds a new indicator to the chart. Is there a way to either

Questions converting profit to pips

I am trying to make a quick conversion of the current position profit to pips with this line of code: #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> //include the library for execution of trades CPositionInfo m_Position; // entity for obtaining information on positions int PIP_SWAG; // Buy/Sell PIP Tolerance if (