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Added topic Linux users with mt5-4 any experiences?
Just wanted to know how it's going any bugs or slow issues to deal with? Thanks Reason I post this is win7 is being discontinued Jan 14 2020. GRRRR!!! Microsoft wants their spyware in all the computers of the world
Added topic What do the freelance developer stats mean?
I am prepping for consideration of hiring a dev in the future. However I noticed after looking at the freelance section that they have descriptions that I'm not familiar with. In particular is arbitration and then percentage. Then there's "overdue"
Added topic Is it possible to reverse-engineer a expert advisor?
To be clearer, If I gave a developer the expert advisor file can he/she remaster it for a newer version of MT? Just have some thoughts for the future. Thanks
Added topic What is the avg rate for dev hire
What is the going rate and the process to call on a dev to construct a utility for private use. Does anyone know the process? Thank you
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