
Free Signal services

Is there a limit to the size of the real account for free signal services

Can Your Broker Be Trusted?

I am sorry to have to break the news to you but because you like your broker for all kinds of justifiable reasons is not the greatest reason why you should trust them and leave up all your future earnings entirely in their hands. Trading is about managing risks and those who manage risks very well

Is it good enough just to have the Best EA?

This is where most who attempt to trade online make the biggest mistake. If we assume that having the best and most optimistic backtested EA means we are good traders this is the basis for the mistake. Having a hammer does not make a person a carpenter. So why in the world should having a well

What are the Key Ingredients of a System with Long Term Longevity

The key to longivity of any trading system is the application of fundamental trading principles used by the market makers. There are many theories about how the market works with many day traders feeling that many market makers in bed with some brokers just run their stops. There could be an element

What is the single biggest and most important thing a trader can do to improve their trading?

It should be apparent but dont be surprized if its not.... The single biggest thing any trader can do to improve their trading is to use a lot size they are comfortable with. Meaning using a size that they are not stressed about, another way of saying this is, use a lot size where your stop loss in

Trading For Pips verses Trading for dollars

It is my fervent opinion that the best way for traders to trade is to fix their mindset on the pips rather than on the dollar sign. I can offer many reason why this is so but to keep it simple the dollars are behind the pips. So if you practice and focus on gathering pips you will suddenly realize