Arthur Albano
Arthur Albano
Rio de Janeiro
I am a Ch.E. and B.S.B.A.. I had developed websites, content server and studied Basic, Fortran 77, Python, C, Javascript and many others, but as I am not a computer scientist, I am just an enthusiast! :) I like photography.
Arthur Albano
Added topic Self-regressive Median Coefficient
Hi all, I am trying to build an indicator that uses the following formula and returns the expected value, so I can use the same chart as indicator_chart_window. //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Arthur Albano
Added topic MathMedian()
Hi all, I have been trying, without success, to create a moving median indicator using MathMedian(), such as MathMedian(prices). Can anyone give me a clue on how to fetch the prices, put into an array, calculate using MathMedian()? Many thanks
Arthur Albano
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