Trader AL
Trader AL
Trader AL
Trader AL
Just published my first signal (PS_Fund1), hopefully will go as well as the last month (an old trading account where I basically doubled my $2000 equity).
mohammad shafiq
mohammad shafiq 2015.10.15
Its going to be a tough journey for you if you been trading for 1year, I've been trading for 14years and the first 9years all I did was lose money- Been making money for around 5years - only went fulltime February 2014- good luck on your journey in trading- My advice to you is the advice I wish someone gave me 14years ago, - DO NOT use indicators- use a clean chart- price moves on fundamentals/ spec positioning and in forex interest rate policy divergence or the future perception of such divergence- feel free to message me if you want to - I dont sell courses or anything- I dont think those guys selling courses make money trading anyway
Trader AL
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