JediScalper Candlestick Pattern Finder
- Indicators
- Rene K Serulle
- Version: 1.0
- Activations: 10
This indicator is a must have tool that scans the active chart for candlestick patterns. It labels each bar according the candlestick pattern(s) that it finds enabling you to more easily analyze price action and be more informed about your trading decision. There are 103 common and uncommon possible patterns plus 6 new patterns based on research that the indicator can identify. If a candlestick(s) meets the requirements for multiple patterns, the bar will be labeled with up to 4 patterns names found.
The Indicator has the following adjustable settings:
- Average Candle Height Length: this is the look back length to calculate average candle/body heights for patterns that look for long/short candles.
- Is Trending Length: certain patterns require the bullish/bearish trends. This is the look back length to check if price is trending up/down.
- Display Label: toggle to display pattern name
- Label Font: allows you to display the label in a different font
- Label Font Size: allows you to adjust the label font size
- Label Color: allows you to set the label color
- Label Rotation: allows you to set the label rotation
- Length to count number of patterns found: look back to count the number of patterns found within the range.
- Use Full Candlestick Pattern Name: toggle to display full candlestick pattern name or the short-hand name
- Points to displace pattern name: points to move label up or down. Useful if you'd prefer to see the label above/below bar.
List of Candlestick Patterns that can be identified:
- Hammer
- InverseHammer
- BullishEngulfing
- BullishPiercing
- MorningStar
- ThreeSoldiers
- BullishThreeLineStrike
- BullishAbandonedBaby
- TweezerBottom
- HangingMan
- ShootingStar
- BearishEngulfing
- EveningStar
- ThreeCrows
- DarkCloudCover
- TwoBlackGapping
- TweezerTop
- FallingThreeMethods
- RisingThreeMethod
- LongLeggedDoji
- DragonFlyDoji
- GravestoneDoji
- FourPriceDoji
- SpinningTop
- WhiteMarubozu
- BlackMarubozu
- Doji
- BullishHarami
- BearishHarami
- BullishClosingMarubozu
- BearishClosingMarubozu
- BullishOpeningMarubozu
- BearishOpeningMarubozu
- LongBullishDay
- LongBearishDay
- HighWave
- ThreeStarsInTheSouth
- Deliberation
- StickSandwich
- HomingPigeon
- DescendingHawk
- MatchingLow
- MatchingHigh
- UpsideTasukiGap
- DownsideTasukiGap
- OnNeckLine
- InNeckLine
- BearishAbandonedBaby
- BearishPiercing
- BearishThreeLineStrike
- ShootingStar2Lines
- MorningStarDoji
- EveningStarDoji
- BullishDojiStar
- BearishDojiStar
- BullishHaramiCross
- BearishHaramiCross
- BullishThreeStarDoji
- BearishThreeStarDoji
- BullishKicker
- BearishKicker
- UpperWindow
- LowerWindow
- ThreeIdenticalCrows
- TwoCrows
- UpsideGapTwoCrows
- UniqueThreeRiverBottom
- ThreeInsideUp
- ThreeInsideDown
- BullishMeetingLine
- BearishMeetingLine
- BullishBeltHold
- BearishBeltHold
- AdvanceBlock
- ThreeOutsideUp
- ThreeOutsideDown
- BullishSideBySideBullishLines
- BearishSideBySideBullishLines
- BullishSeparatingLines
- BearishSeparatingLines
- Thrusting
- LadderBottom
- ConcealingBabySwallow
- BullishBreakaway
- BearishBreakaway
- MatHold
- UpsideGapThreeMethod
- DownsideGapThreeMethod
- BelowTheStomach
- AboveTheStomach
- GappingUpDoji
- GappingDownDoji
- NorthernDoji
- SouthernDoji
- CollapsingDojiStar
- LastEngulfingBottom
- LastEngulfingTop
- FallingWindow
- RisingWindow
- 8NewPriceLines
- 10NewPriceLines
- 12NewPriceLines
- 13NewPriceLines
- Boot
- InvertedBoot
- BullishCordOfWood
- BearishCordOfWood
- RisingSeaSaw
- FallingSeaSaw
die Idee ist eigentlich super aber...ich bin davon ausgegangen das dieses Programm automatisch auf alle 103 Kerzenformationen reagiert so wie es in der Beschreibung stand...tut es leider nicht! Man muss selber Einstellungen vornehmen anden Kerzenlängen und dann funktioniert es auch nur mäßig...schade und dafür fast 100 Dollar(incl. MwSt.). Programmierer wurde angeschrieben...bis jetzt keine Antwort :(