EA which should hanel orders from other EA

MQL4 Experts


I´m lokking for an EA which is handeling orders (several orders - each for his own) opend by other EA or manual (this orders are called in descriptioen BASIS order). Basis order will be closed and opend all the Time manual or via other EA. New EA should andel all basis orders and if the Basis order is closing -  Orders form new EA should also close all.

EA needs a creation of a small database, where each base order will be matched by its hers-orders. After each modification, the database will be stored on the hard disk. This is necessary in case of an Internet connection, a reboot, and the like.
EA has to handel each Basis order and also differ currencies.
Basis orders are opend buy other EA or Manual.

As long as the Basis orders (order from other EAs or Manual is open this new EA should manage) as long does new EA open several orders on different distance levels (Note on each Distanc Level EA is opening for each basis order just one Order - and each basis order is handeled seperat),

The distance Levels for all orders are opned by new EA are definate form basis order opening price. EA has to check on explaind Levels - what kind of Order ond what sice should be placed.

Order Possibilities -

1. Order in directionof Basis - from Basis till definated Uper Level and Down level a Must

Order in direction of basis multipied - only inbetween uper level

Order against direction of Basis is Hedge - only after down level

order against direction of Basis is Hedge Multipield. - only after down level

Parameter of desision what kind of Order EA has to place, is differenz between all buy and sell order - if the differenz is bigger than XX tan EA should place with multipiler or hedge or Multipiler with Hedge.

Here is an explanation/example: https://mix.office.com/watch/s8qru0cn966u?autoplay=1



Distance Pips (for example 6 pips) – distance is calculated always from Basis Level - ther will be for example 3 distanc levels better (better is in direction of profit) from basis and there will be 15 distance Levels against (minus) were EA normal open an order and deside what kind of order EA should place - see above 4 oportunities.

Distance Levels in trend max: 3 - I want to definate - So if order goes in plus and there wer 3 selected - means from basis order in trend 3 levels.  I want to definate Xlevels were EA should only place an order in direktion of basis and if differenz is bigger than xx (differ must be against order direction so next order should be multipieled with Basis to reduce the Differenz. In orders in direction is no Hedge order possible. - just order in direction and + mulipile.

Distance against Trend max : 15 levels I want to definate - so if order goes in Minus I want to definate on how many distanc levels EA is open an order. every x pips against trend calculated from Basis EA should open an order. The first Xlevels in Minus there is only Order in direction and order in direction Multipieled possible. Below that all 4 explaind opening functions should work.

Multipiler – works always from Basis order lots - so if there is definated with  2  - Opening order is basis lots * 2 - Not multipiler works only in Uper Level in direction of Basis  and only after down Level with Hedge

TP – Is always same as Basis TP – this should be checked every minutes for all  alredy opend level orders. Note TP works only for Orders in Trend of Basis - Hedge orders does not have an TP
MinuteToCheckTP=1 - TP of orders in direction should always be TP of basis

SL – I definate - are working for all order.


Uper Level - From Basis order in Positive trend there can be only placed orders in trend - so for example uper Level is definated with 4 - this means from basis order 4 levels EA is placing orders just in trend or in Trend with multipieler

down Level - from basis x levels against traind can only placed order in direction of Basis and after that definated level can placed also an  Hedge or an Hedge multipield.

Comments I want the informations Order number from Basis and witch Level this order is. Coments set activ or inactiv

The logic for opening the orders in direction, Hedge, with Multipiler ore without Multipiler on each distance Level as follows.

Under normal conditions EA does open same lots (as basis order) on definated distance (calculated from basis) away in direction of basis. All entries for distance levels are calculated form Basis order. So If distance is 6 - first order will be opend 6 pips away from basis. second order will open 12 pips away  thrid order will open 18 pips from basis order away and so on.

EA does now before opening Basis (in range of Uper Level and after definate down Level) order Check alredy open buy and sell orders in System (and shows this in chart)  with differenz or oversice. If there are more orders against direction EA does opend orders in combination with multipiler.

If there are more Orders in Trend EA does open an Hedge with lots of basis or an with Hedge Multipied with Lots of basis. Multipiler woks only if oversice is bigger as Xlots of Basis order.

In chart should shown

Buy order - Summ all lots opend in Terminal

Sell order - Summ of all Lots opend in Terminal

= differenz - if differenz is there and bigger as definated - EA should reduce with next order the differenz with an Hedge or if EA wants to open an order in the right direction with multipiler.

 On base of this Differenz EA deside to open an order Mulitpield or Hedg or an normal order or an normal hedge.

Goal  when open an Multipiled order or an Hedge or an Hedge Multipiler  - reduzing the Differenz till defination. If differenz is under defination normal orders (orders in direktion of basis) should be placed


Differ calculation - example set is 3 - so when 3 is selected differ is activ 3 times * basis lot - if differ is bigger than that lot ( minus or Plus) function Hedge or Multipiler are activ - so goal of Hedge and Multipiler should be reduzing the differenz - If differ goes under the defination - than function is inactiv

Differ for Hedge activation - If in set is 3 so 3 times basis order - if differenz is bigger than 3 times basis order Hedge is activated

Differ for Multipiler activation - If in set is 3 so 3 times basis order - if differenz is bigger than 3 times basis order so Multipiler is activade - and if nest order is an order which reduce differ - order lots should be opend basis lots * 3

Note for - Up orders works only normal Lots and Multipiler - not hedge and Hedge Multipiler.

How to place Hedge wiht normal Lots and how to place Hedge with Multipiler:

EA does check differenz of buy and sell orders and if there not more orders in direction of Basis *3 EA does place an normal Hedge on the Level with normal Lots of Basis.

If there are more orders in direction as Basis *4 EA does place Hedge orders from basis with Multipiler.

Hedge and Hedge multipiler works only form Level X - so if there is inputet 6 - Level 1 to 6 can only place oders in direction and in direction Multipieled - from Level 7 on, EA can place also Hedge and Hedge Multipiled.
Hedge Multipieled does also not work in Levels better entry price.



Levels Long - Definat hov many distance Levels from Basis order  long - I want to definat how many Level long (if price goes better than opening price of Basis) EA should open on each distanc Level an order

Levels short - Definate how many sitanc Level from Basis order short - I want to definat how many Level short (if price goes worser than opening price of Basis) EA should open on each distanc Level an order.


Magic number excluding- EA should not Handel orders from this EA

2-Magic number excluding- EA should not Handel orders from this EA

3-Magic number excluding- EA should not Handel orders from this EA

4-Magic number excluding- EA should not Handel orders from this EA

5-Magic number excluding- EA should not Handel orders from this EA


Magic number of EA -

Important Notes:

When Basis is closed all other Levels are closed too

EA musst handel more basis orders.

In Comments I want the informations Order number from Basis and witch Level this order is. Coments set activ or inactiv
EA has to check every xseconds if TP is the same as in Basis order.
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