correlated CURRENCIES - page 3

Nigel Davis:
 Look at GBP/JPY AND EUR/JPY on the 1m. They are support correlated, but in no way shape or form do you have any sort of "edge" by looking at one instrument in deciding what the other will do. Why is that? Well because since they are correlated, they move exactly the same, almost tick for tick. Correlation only proves that this market is algo based and that volume can not be trusted once or ever.
I am afraid this is not what we are talking about here.
Every major currency has a direct positive AS WELL AS negative correlation with every other major currency. The better one understands this the more accurate their outlook will become.
Ill Joker:
Every major currency has a direct positive AS WELL AS negative correlation with every other major currency. The better one understands this the more accurate their outlook will become.
alright, expaine more. Is your conclution fundamental?