Automated Trading Championship 2012: Eleventh Week - Switching to Ground Fighting


Our experience shows that the potential members of TOP-3 can be more easily predicted when the competition is already coming to its end. But not this time! The roller coaster arranged by EURUSD during the competition is constantly keeping our current leading Participants on their toes. The eleventh week has shown how difficult it is to keep your leading position - the sharp rise of EURUSD has considerably shaken up our TOP-10. 

Automated Trading Championship 2012: Eleventh Week - Switching to Ground Fighting

The current Championship is very different from the previous years' ones. First, it lasts 13 weeks instead of 12. In the latter case, we would already have been able to guess the potential winners. Second, the movement of currency pairs for the first 11 weeks is also quite different from the previous years. Perhaps, the reason lies in the forthcoming apocalypse scheduled on December 21 by many prophets. However, we can assure you that our Championship will continue after that date.

Read the full article on the Championship's website: Eleventh Week - Switching to Ground Fighting.