Discussion of article "Studying the CCanvas Class. Anti-aliasing and Shadows"


New article Studying the CCanvas Class. Anti-aliasing and Shadows has been published:

An anti-aliasing algorithm of the CCanvas class is the base for all constructions where anti-aliasing is being used. The article contains information about how this algorithm operates, and provides relevant examples of visualization. It also covers drawing shades of graphic objects and has a detailed algorithm developed for drawing shades on canvas. The numerical analysis library ALGLIB is used for calculations.

I believe that displaying various dynamic effects is one of the issues that can be solved when drawing with the CCanvas class. For example, implementing graphic constructions through the anti-aliasing algorithm gives them a more attractive look. Or drawing a new style of displaying the indicator line called spline. Or maybe drawing a dynamic indicator in a separate window, somehow similar to drawing frequency characteristics on the oscilloscope. In any case, drawing opens up new horizons of application in personal developments.


3. Shadow of objects

Drawing shadows gives softer contour outline to graphic objects, thus creating a minor volume effect, so graphic objects stop looking flat. Furthermore, shadows have a very interesting and beneficial property: shadows of the objects normally are transparent, and upon superposition of graphics with shadows additional volume is created.

3.1. Types of shadows

The most common types of shadows are shown below:

Fig. 4. Types of shadows

Fig. 4. Types of shadows

Author: Karputov Vladimir