Triangles down to the right



In the platform MT4, below, to the right, there is a small rectangle divided in his diagonal, forming two small triangles that indicate the connection status. Very often, the low triangle puts in red. Does someone know that it means each of these triangles? Please.

Best Regards,



En la plataforma MT4, abajo a la derecha, hay un pequeño rectángulo partido en su diagonal, formando dos pequeños triángulos que indican el estado de la conexión. Muy a menudo, el triangulo inferior se pone en rojo. ¿Alguien sabe que significa cada uno de esos triangulos? Por favor.


This is the server connection marker. Upper part of the marker is for the direct connection to the server. The lower part shows that you are connected through a Data Center.

  •  If it is fully red, it means there is no connection with the selected server.
  •  If it is green/red, this means the direct connection to the server.
  •  If it is green/blue, this means that you use a Data Center.

If this marker is spotty in color, this means that the connection is not very good (this may cause that one quote reaches you, but another one does not).

Please contact your brokerage company for more details about your connection status.

Tatyana :

This is the server connection marker. Upper part of the marker is for the direct connection to the server. The lower part shows that you are connected through a Data Center.

  • If it is fully red, it means there is no connection with the selected server.
  • If it is green/red, this means the direct connection to the server.
  • If it is green/blue, this means that you use a Data Center.

If this marker is spotty in color, this means that the connection is not very good (this may cause that one quote reaches you, but another one does not).

Please contact your brokerage company for more details about your connection status.

Thanke you.