Recent HST format changes


I have been writing a HST file reader, that I have confirmed to work with an older HST file ( originating from an older version of MT4 ). But since LiveUpdate updated my MT4 build to 225, I don't seem to be able to read the header properly, and not any of the RateInfo.

I have quoted the docs on this topic, but it doesn't seem to be describing this newer HST file. So, may I know what's the latest HST format ?

Historical File Format (HST Files)

The database header is the first

struct HistoryHeader
int version; // database version
char copyright[64]; // copyright info
char symbol[12]; // symbol name
int period; // symbol timeframe
int digits; // the amount of digits after decimal point in the symbol
time_t timesign; // timesign of the database creation
time_t last_sync; // the last synchronization time
int unused[13]; // to be used in future

then goes the bars array (single-byte justification)

#pragma pack(push,1)
//---- standard representation of the quote in the database
struct RateInfo
time_t ctm; // current time in seconds
double open;
double low;
double high;
double close;
double vol;
#pragma pack(pop)