Feature Request: Make charts visualization scale and zoom like Google Maps


I think it would be VERY helpful to be able to scale the charts in and out between the different timeframes (1m, 5m, 15m, 4h, d..) in a similar way that google maps allows you to 'zoom' in and out on a map.

I would like to be able to double-click on a candle (in one timeframe view, say 1h), or select a group of candles, and have it automatically 'focus in on' or 'zoom' in to the next higher level (like 15min) chart.

Being able to quickly and intuitively scale the price action would help me A LOT in determining where we are in a larger trend. Rather than having to switch back and forth all the time and keep in my mind which way it is.

Does anyone else like this idea?

Do you agree we should have this feature in MetaTrader?