Metatrader Manager API


I get UserRecord pointer and as I see there are 3 userrecords. How do I get all userrecords, because I only get the first record and get the wrong data for others :

int m_users_total=0;

UserRecord* m_users=ExtManager->UsersRequest(&m_users_total);

for(int i=0;i<m_users_total;i++)


 CString name = m_users[i].name;

  // if(theApp.m_MTDB->IsRecordeExist("MT_Accounts","id", m_users[i].id))

  //   theApp.m_MTDB->MT_Accounts_Update(m_users[i]);

  // else

  //   theApp.m_MTDB->MT_Accounts_Insert(& m_users[i]);


Bu I only get the first pointer and wrong for second and third pointer for UserRecords.


