Championship: Interview with William Boatright

On the website of the Automated Trading Championship 2007, an Interview with William Boatright has been published ( William Boatright (wackena) is in the Forex market since last year. Before this he had been trading in the stock exchange for about 10 years. Now William is successfully using many trading strategies, which he learned when working with MT4, for trading in the stock exchange - "I now manually trade stocks utilizing many trading strategies I've learned in coding MT4 EAs. I'm very pleased at my success of transposing trading strategies between Forex and stocks."

The interview was published on the website of Automated Trading Championship 2007 in the News section.

The Automated Trading Championship 2007 is organized by MetaQuotes Software Corp. and co-sponsored by ODL Securities Limited, Alpari (UK) Limited, FXDD and the popular TRADERS` magazine.