Championship: Interview with Alexey Kirienko (Axelforex)

On the website of the Automated Trading Championship 2007, an Interview with Alexey Kirienko has been published ( The Participant of the Automated Trading Championship 2007 from Kyrgyzstan Aleksey Kirienko is the leader of The Championship already for the second week. The development of his Expert Advisor for the contest took quite a long time. "The secret here is that we should use traditional and famous matters in accordance with our own needs, making alterations that can solve our task – in such a case they will be very useful".

The interview was published on the website of Automated Trading Championship 2007 in the News section.

The Automated Trading Championship 2007 is organized by MetaQuotes Software Corp. and co-sponsored by ODL Securities Limited, Alpari (UK) Limited, FXDD and the popular TRADERS` magazine.