ReadFromFile code

I try to use it but I can not.
I placed file week.txt in catalog ...experts\files\week.txt
which cointaines that line..

2007.03.30;16:00;Industrial Prodaction MM;USA;March;3.40%;1.0%;

and run that file

//| ReadFromFile.mq4 |
//| ·•°njel°•· |
//| iamnotlinked |
#property copyright "·•°njel°•·"
#property link "iamnotlinked"
#property show_inputs

extern bool DisplayText = true;

extern bool Japan = true;
extern bool USA = true;
extern bool Germany = true;
extern bool ES = true;
extern bool GB = true;
extern bool Canada = true;

extern string FileName = "week.txt";

int start()


int handle;
Print("File not found, the last error is ", GetLastError());

int i= 0;

string sDate=FileReadString(handle); // Date
string sTime=FileReadString(handle); // Time
string sDescription=FileReadString(handle); // Description
string sCountry=FileReadString(handle); // Country
string sPeriod=FileReadString(handle); // Period
string sCurrent=FileReadString(handle); // Current value
string sForecast=FileReadString(handle); // Expected
FileReadString(handle); // null

datetime dt = StrToTime(sDate+" "+sTime);

color c = Red;

if (sCountry == "Japan") c = Yellow;
if (sCountry == "USA") c = White;
if (sCountry == "Germany") c = Green;
if (sCountry == "ES") c = Blue;
if (sCountry == "GB") c = Orange;
if (sCountry == "Canada") c = Gray;

if ((sCountry == "Japan") && (!Japan)) continue;
if ((sCountry == "USA") && (!USA)) continue;
if ((sCountry == "Germany") && (!Germany)) continue;
if ((sCountry == "ES") && (!ES)) continue;
if ((sCountry == "GB") && (!GB)) continue;
if ((sCountry == "Canada") && (!Canada)) continue;

if (DisplayText)
ObjectCreate("x"+i, OBJ_TEXT, 0, dt, Close[0]);
ObjectSet("x"+i, OBJPROP_COLOR, c);
ObjectSetText("x"+i, sDescription + " "+ sCountry + " " + sPeriod + " " + sCurrent + " " + sForecast, 8);
ObjectSet("x"+i, OBJPROP_ANGLE, 90);

ObjectCreate("y"+i, OBJ_VLINE, 0, dt, Close[0]);
ObjectSet("y"+i, OBJPROP_COLOR, c);
ObjectSet("y"+i, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
ObjectSetText("y"+i, sDescription + " "+ sCountry + " " + sPeriod + " " + sCurrent + " " + sForecast, 8);



and nothing happens it does not work
Can someone point what is rwong with it?